Made by Top Contributors

What's new?


The latest version is No. 6. See our website for an (historic) overview of what's new or from within the menu.


We've created a main CONSTANTS (array enabled) formula to minimize the amount of text inside a formula

Row Totals

A very handy tool to calculate through rows instead of columns

Braille & Morse Converter

Being able to print out Braille text. If you puncture the dots, visually impaired people could possibly read it !!

Ever wanted to show something in Morse code? Now you can and decipher Morse code to text with a simple formula


We created a bunch of handy formulas to retrieve spreadsheet information, like name, sheet name, etc...

Privacy policy

Our privacy policy has been updated slightly to cover the utilities formulas

(using the SpreadsheetApp service). No re-authentification is necessary as

the scope hasn't changed.