Made by Top Contributors

What's new?


The latest version is No. 11. See our website for an (historic) overview of what's new or from within the menu.

New additions

  • TEXT2CHARACTER formula, to quickly retrieve all characters from a string.
  • UTIL_REVERSETEXT formula is now also available under TEXT2REVERSE.
  • UTIL_VALUESHEETS formula will capture the value of a particular cell range throughout all sheets.
  • UTIL_GETLOCALE formula will capture the locale setting of the spreadsheet
  • UTIL_GETTIMEZONE formula will capture the timezone of the spreadsheet
  • UTIL_GETURL formula will retieve the URL of the spreadsheet
  • UTIL_GETID formula will retieve the URL of the spreadsheet
  • UTIL_SHEETNAME will now accept a sheet index
  • JS_MAP formula to modify a range the way JavaScript can do.
  • JS_SORT formula to sort a range the way JavaScript would do.
  • LEVENSHTEINDISTANCE formula to determine the "distance" between two words.


Changed help text for the UTIL_FORMULATEXT() to make sure the A1Notation is a string

(ht: Gregory E), but in the meantime Google added the native support for retrieving

the formula texts into Google Sheets.