Research Output
Looking for more? Check out these links for additional information on Machine Translation and Machine Translation Literacy.
What is Machine Translation Literacy?
Videos of lectures
Bowker, L. (2024) Conférence en ligne pour le group LINET (Laboratoire d’intégration du numérique en enseignement de la traduction ) « La communication scientifique pour enseigner les technologies de la traduction », le 4 octobre 2024.
Bowker, L. (2024) 2024 CETRA Research Summer School in Translation Studies. A series of FIVE 90-minute lectures on various aspects of translation technologies by the CETRA Chair professor. Antwerp, Belgium, 19-30 August 2024.
Bowker, L. (2022) Online presentation for the Multi-Languages Corporation conference and professional development day: "Raising Awareness About MT Use Beyond the Translation Community", delivered 17 December 2022.
Bowker, L. (2022) Conférence en ligne à la Journée d’études #TQ2022 - Traduction et Qualité 2022 : Comment enseigner (avec) la traduction automatique ? : « Enseigner la traduction automatique aux étudiants hors des disciplines langagières » Université de Lille, France, le 28 janvier 2022.
Bowker, L. (2021) Online lecture as part of the JYU Visiting Fellow program: "De-mystifying machine translation and improving machine translation literacy", Language Campus, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, delivered 9 December 2021.
Bowker, L. (2021) Online lecture as part of the Convergence lecture series: "Promoting linguistic diversity and inclusion: Incorporating machine translation literacy into information literacy instruction for undergraduate students", Centre for Translation Studies, University of Surrey, delivered 23 June 2021.
Bowker, L. (2020) Online lecture: “The Times, They Are a-Changin’: Translators, Social Responsibility and Machine Translation Literacy,” UQTR, delivered 17 February 2020.
Bowker, L. (2019). Public lecture: “Machine Translation Literacy”, University of Melbourne, delivered 23 October 2019.
In this week’s SlatorPod (February 4, 2022), we are joined by Lynne Bowker, Professor at the University of Ottawa, to discuss the Machine Translation Literacy Project, whose eye-catching infographics have proven very popular on Twitter. Lynne shares her background working in higher education and how this led to her running the MT Literacy Project. She talks about the evolution of machine translation (MT) systems and how this inspired her to teach users in the wider population about the dos and don’ts of using MT output. Lynne talks about the different use cases of free online MT systems, highlighting her research on how international students use MT as an aid for scholarly writing in English. She mentions the importance of confidentiality and privacy when using programs such as DeepL and Google Translate. The pod rounds off with Lynne’s plans to train teachers in MT Literacy and introduce the project to thousands of secondary school students as part of enhancing their digital literacy skills.
Public outreach and information about MT Literacy for non-academic audiences
Infographics: "Machine Translation Literacy: Stop. Think. Act", "Machine Translation: 5 ways to be a savvy user", "Machine Translation: A brief history", and "Getting to know machine translation".
"Beyond the Language Industry: Helping Others to Develop Machine Translation Literacy Skills" on the Globalization and Localization Association (GALA) Knowledge Center.
"Machine translation literacy and an ethics of collective care" on the Our Languages blog (also available in French).
"Machine translation and the savvy translator" on the American Translators Association The Savvy Newcomer blog.
"From 'the three Rs' to machine translation: A new kind of literacy for the digital age" on the Our Languages blog (also available in French).
"Tips to work more effectively with machine translation" on Concordia University's GradProSkills blog.
"Translation: It's not just for translators!" on the Our Languages blog (also available in French).
See what others are saying about MT & Global Research !
Bowker, Lynne, & Buitrago Ciro, Jairo. (2019). Machine Translation and Global Research: Towards Improved Machine Translation Literacy in the Scholarly Community. Bingley, UK: Emerald.
Reviews of the book
Esqueda, M. D. (2021) Review of MT & Global Research in ALFA: Revista de Linguística 65.
Lounds, A. (2021). Review of MT & Global Research in Journal of English for Research Publication Purposes 2(1): 96-100.
LeBlanc, M. (2021). Review of MT & Global Research in JoSTrans: Journal of Specialised Translation, Issue 35: 233–234.
Zhao, Wei (2021). Review of MT & Global Research in Digital Scholarship in the Humanities,
Loock, R. (2020). Compte rendu de MT & Global Research in Meta, 65 (1), 270–272. DOI:
Matusiak, Krystyna. (2020). Review of MT & Global Research in Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 71(10): 1275-1278. DOI: 10.1002/asi.24325
Rossi, Caroline. (2020). Review of MT & Global Research in Translation Spaces. DOI:
Wang, Zeyang. (2020). Review of MT & Global Research in Multilingua. DOI:
Mossop, Brian. (2019). Review of MT & Global Research in Traduction, Terminologie, Rédaction (TTR) 32(2): 250–255. DOI:
Mundt, Klaus, & Groves, Mike. (2019). Review of MT & Global Research in Journal of Second Language Writing 46 (Article 100669). DOI:
O'Brien, Sharon. (2019). Review of MT & Global Research in Target 31(3): 505–510. DOI:
Journal articles, book chapters and conference proceedings
Bowker, L., (2024) “Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication: How Far Can Technology Take Us and What Else Can We Do?”, The Journal of Electronic Publishing 27(1).
Bowker, L. Ayeni, P. and Kulczycki, E. (2023). Linguistic privilege and marginalization in scholarly communication: Understanding the role of new language technologies for shifting language dynamics. Technical report submitted to the Social Sciences and Research Council of Canada.
Steigerwald, E., Ramírez-Castañeda, V., Brandt, D. Y. C., Báldi, A., Shapiro, J. T., Bowker, L. and Tarvin, R. D. (2022). “Overcoming Language Barriers in Academia: Machine Translation Tools and a Vision for a Multilingual Future,” BioScience. Advance access online:
Bowker, L., Kalsatos, M., Ruskin, A., & Buitrago Ciro, J. (2022) "Artificial intelligence, machine translation, and academic libraries: Improving machine translation literacy on campus", In The Rise of AI: Implications and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries, ed. by S. Hervieux and A. Wheatley, Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL).
Bowker, L. (2021). "Promoting linguistic diversity and inclusion: Incorporating machine translation literacy into information literacy instruction for undergraduate students", International Journal of Information, Diversity and Inclusion, 5(3): 127-151. (open access)
Bowker, L. (2021) "Machine translation literacy instruction for non-translators: a comparison of five delivery formats,” TRITON 2021: TRanslation and Interpreting Technology Online – Proceedings of the Conference. 5-7 July 2021 (Online), pp. 25-36.
Bowker, L. (2021) "Interdisciplinary research methods: Considering the potential of community-based participatory research in translation", Journal of Translation Studies, 1(1): 13-26.
Bowker, L. (2020) "Machine translation literacy instruction for international business students and business English instructors", Journal of Business and Finance Librarianship, 25 (1-2): 25-43.
Bowker, L. (2020) "Chinese speakers’ use of machine translation as an aid for scholarly writing in English: A review of the literature and a report on a pilot workshop on machine translation literacy", Asia Pacific Translation and Intercultural Studies, 7(3): 288-298.
Bowker, L. (2019) "Machine translation literacy as a social responsibility" in First International Conference on Language Technologies for All (LT4All), ed. by G. Adda, K. Choukri, I. Kasinskaite-Buddeberg, J. Mariani, H. Mazo & S. Sakriani, 104-107. Paris: UNESCO/ELRA.
Bowker, L. (2019) "Machine Translation Literacy: Academic Libraries' Role", 82nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science & Technology (ASIS&T), 618-619, online, ASIS&T, doi:
Free Open Educational Resources (OER)
Bowker, L. (2021). "Translating for Canada, eh?", eCampus Ontario Open Library (selected as a favourite ebook for 2021 by Pressbooks)
Bowker, L. (2021) "Vous traduisez pour le Canada?” eCampus Ontario Open Library
Poster presented at the poster session of the Language Technologies for All (LT4All) conference held at UNESCO in Paris, France, Dec. 4-6, 2019.