

PODCAST: Air date to be determined: "The Machine Translation Literacy Project with Lynne Bowker", Source 2 Target Podcast



PUBLIC LECTURE - 16 July 2024 - Research Trends in Translation Technology, organized by the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Thailand

PUBLIC LECTURE - 9 July 2024 - An introduction to translation technology, organized by the Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University, Thailand


KEYNOTE LECTURE - 12-15 June 2023 - Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), Tampere, Finland.

PUBLIC LECTURE - 1 March 2023 - "Translation in the age of AI: Navigating choppy waters in the wake of Google Translate and battening down the hatches in the face of ChatGPT" organized by the Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies at the University of Tartu, Estonia. Both in person and online (join by Zoom for free), 4pm Eastern European Time (UTC+2).

KEYNOTE LECTURE - 16-17 February 2023 - "Machine Translation Literacy: What is it? Why do we need it? How do we do it?" presented at the New Voices in Portuguese Translation Studies Conference, NOVA University Lisbon, Portugal. 2:30pm in Aud. 

PANEL PRESENTATION - 1-3 February 2023 - "Convergence and collaboration in translation research," Convergence: Human-Machine Integration in Translation and Interpreting, University of Surrey. FREE registration for online attendance.


PRESENTATION (Online) - 17 December 2022 - "Raising awareness about MT use beyond the translation community," Multi-Languages Corporation Annual Conference/Professional Development Day

LECTURE - 14 December 2022 - "Machine Translation via memes", delivered to BA/MA students at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. 

LECTURE (Online) - 8 November 2022 - "Machine Translation Literacy", delivered to Master of Translation & Interpreting (MTI) students at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), China.

LECTURE (Online) - 7 November 2022 - "Machine Translation and Society", delivered to Master of Translation & Interpreting (MTI) students at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (GDUFS), China.

PUBLIC PRESENTATION (online) - 19 October 2022, Machine translation literacy among non-translation students: What have we learned? Where do we go from here? Online seminar on "Machine Translation and Society" with participants Lynne Bowker, Lucas Nunes Vieira, Ramunė  Kasperė and Yves Gambier, among others. Participation is free but registration is required. Register here.

CONFERENCE - 4-6 July 2022, "From ‘Unknown Unknowns’ to ‘Known Unknowns’: What Non-translation Students Tell Us They Have Learned about Machine Translation", presented at the New Trends in Translation & Technology (NeTTT) conference in Rhodes, Greece.

CONFERENCE - 4-6 July 2022, "Developing a Machine Translation Literacy Instruction Framework: Drawing Inspiration from Nursing Education", poster presented at the New Trends in Translation & Technology (NeTTT) conference in Rhodes, Greece.

PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SEMINAR - 31 May 2022: "Ethically speaking... Translation Technologies, Ethics, and Translator Education", delivered to members of the American Translators Association (online).

SEMINAR - 29 April 2022: "Ethics and Translation Technologies", presented to students in the Erasmus Mundus Master's in Technology for Translation and Interpreting (delivered onsite at the University of Wolverhampton, UK, and also streamed online).

PODCAST - 4 February 2022, "The Machine Translation Literacy Project with Lynne Bowker", SlatorPod (Episode #103).

JOURNÉE D'ÉTUDES - 28 January 2022, "Enseigner la traduction automatique aux étudiants hors des disciplines langagières," Traduction & Qualité 2022, Université de Lille (en ligne)


PUBLIC PRESENTATION (live, online & recorded) - 9 December 2021, "De-mystifying MT and improving MT literacy", Kielikampus, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, 14:15 (UCT200): 

PUBLIC PRESENTATION (online) - 30 September 2021, "United in Translation: Can translators help others to develop machine translation literacy?" Speaker at the International Translation Day celebration organized by York University (Glendon Campus), online, 6:30-7:30pm.

COMMUNITY OUTREACH (online) - 22 September 2021, "De-mystifying machine translation" (for teens, Gr 9-12) presented during Canada's Science Literacy Week, 6:30-7:30pm.

CONFERENCE (online) - 6-7 July 2021, "Machine translation use outside the language industries" Keynote lecture at the TRITON 2021: TRanslation and Interpreting Technology ONline conference ( 

LECTURE (online) - 23 June 2021 (3:30pm BST; 10:30am EDT): "Promoting linguistic diversity and inclusion: Incorporating machine translation literacy into information literacy instruction for undergraduate students" as part of the Convergence Lecture Series hosted by the University of Surrey, UK. FREE participation, but registration is required.

CONFERENCE (online) - 4 June 2021 (3:45-5:15pm CET): "Exploring machine translation use by international students at two Canadian universities" at the 5th International Conference on Non-Professional Interpreting and Translation (NPIT5) hosted by the University of Amsterdam. Free participation: 

SYMPOSIUM (online) - 25 May 2021 (1:30-4:30PM GMT +3): International Symposium on Lay Use and Perceptions of Machine Translation with participants including MT Literacy project director Lynne Bowker along with Lucas Nuñes Vieira (Univ. of Bristol), Mary Nurminen (Tampere Univ.), Mondheera Pituxcoosuvarn (Ritsumeikan  Univ), Marianna Martindale (Univ. of Maryland), Omri Asscher (Bar-Ilan University), and others. Attendance is free but participants must register.

SUMMER SCHOOL (online) - 18-27 May 2021: An 18-hour workshop on Machine Translation will be offered as part of the Digital Humanities Summer Institute: Technologies East (DHSITE). Six afternoons from 2:30-5:30pm (May 18, 19, 20 & 25, 26, 27). Open to uOttawa undergrad and grad students for credit (1.5 units) and also open to the general public for continuing education or professional development. See the DHSITE site for info about fees and registration. Reserve your spot!

DEMI-JOURNÉE D’ÉTUDE (online) - 29 April 2021 (9:30am-12:30pm): "Traduction automatique neuronale et enjeux pour la formation" hosted online by Université Laval on behalf of the Canadian Association of Schools of Translation (CAST) with presentations by Hanna Martikainen, Caroline Rossi and Lynne Bowker, the latter of whom will speak at 11:15am on "Expanding our reach: Teaching machine translation to students in other disciplines" Participation is FREE but registration is required.

CONFERENCE (online) - 27 April 2021, "Evaluating a pilot project to teach machine translation literacy in an academic library... and beyond," Concordia University Library's 19th Annual Research Forum, 2:30pm. Participation is FREE, but you must register, 2:30pm.

PANEL (online) - 22 April 2021, "Machine Translation Literacy" - join Lynne Bowker (uOttawa), Lettie Dorst (Univ. Leiden) and Rudy Loock (Univ de Lille) for an informal chat about MT Literacy as part of the #TranslationCafé series. Participation is FREE, but you must register, 10am (Ottawa time!)

LECTURE (online) – 19 April 2021, “Do translators have a social responsibility to help non-translators develop machine translation literacy?” Université du Québec en Outaouais, 12:30pm


LECTURE (online) - 18 December 2020: "Machine Translation Literacy" Online lecture in the seminar series for the European Master's in Technology for Translation and Interpreting (EMTTI). 3pm UK time

CONFERENCE (online) - 27 November 2020, Keynote lecture: “Transformation and Relocation: The evolving role of the translator in an increasingly technologized profession,” Conference on the Interdisciplinary Study of Foreign Languages and Translation: Transformation and Relocation, NKUST, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.

CANCELLED OWING TO COVID-19 WORKSHOP – 11-13 May 2020, “Machine Translation” – a 12-hour (3 day) workshop offered as part of the University of Ottawa Faculty of Arts DHSITES 2020 workshop series (pre-register).

CANCELLED OWING TO COVID-19 PRESENTATION – 20 April 2020, “Machine Translation Literacy,” Université du Québec en Outaouais, 12pm

CANCELLED OWING TO COVID-19. PRESENTATION 23 April 2020, “Machine Translation and Translator Training,” Université Laval, Québec, 2pm.

CANCELLED OWING TO COVID-19. PRESENTATION – 17 April 2020, “Evaluating a pilot project to teach machine translation literacy in an academic library: Recommendations and lessons learned,” Concordia University Library Research Forum,  Loyola Jesuit Hall & Conference Centre, Montreal.

CANCELLED OWING TO COVID-19 | PRESENTATION – 7 April 2020, “Machine Translation Literacy and Academic Libraries,” School of Information Studies Research Day, University of Ottawa, 1:30pm, CRX Building

CANCELLED OWING TO COVID-19 | PRESENTATION – 16 March 2020, “Translation and Artificial Intelligence,” Département d’études françaises, Concordia University, 6-8pm.

LECTURE – 21 February 2020, “The evolving role of the translator in an increasingly technologized profession,” Department of Modern and Classical Language Studies, Kent State University, Ohio, USA, 10-11am, Satterfield Hall, room 112/112A (SFH 112). Available online.

LECTURE – 17 February 2020, ” ‘The times they are a-changin’: Translators, social responsibility, and machine translation literacy,” Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR),  6-7pm, Available online.


CONFERENCE – 13 December 2019, Machine Translation Literacy, Keynote lecture at the 8th Asia-Pacific Forum on Translation and Intercultural Studies (APFTIS), Bangkok, Thailand

CONFERENCE – 4-6 December, 2019, “Machine Translation Literacy as a Social Responsibility,” Language Technology 4 All Conference, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.

SEMINAR – 25 November 2019, Concordia University Library Brown Bag Seminar Series, 12-1pm, LB-511

PANEL – 22 November 2019, “Is Artificial Intelligence Breaking Down Language Barriers?”, Officially 50! Canadian Studies Association conference, Gatineau, 10:15-11:45am, Palais des Congrès, Salle Désert A. The panellists were interviewed by TFO media. Read the story here (in French): “L’intelligence artificielle au service ou au detriment du bilinguisme?

WORKSHOP – 20 November 2019, University of Ottawa (part of the “Digital Humanities Toolbox” Series): Machine Translation Literacy, 11:30am-1:00 pm, Perez Building, Rm PRZ 302

SEMINAR – 12 November 2019, Concordia University: Machine Translation Literacy, presentation to the Computer-Aided Language Learning (CALL) Research Group, 12-1pm, Rm FG 5.315

WORKSHOP – 11 November 2019, Concordia University, “Machine Translation Literacy for ESL students”, 10:45am-12pm, FB-207-209

PANEL – 8 November 2019, Concordia University, “Event to celebrate 30 years of TTR”, panel from 3:30-5pm will include Lynne Bowker speaking on developments in terminology and translation technologies, LB-619

LUNCH AND LEARN with Staff at Concordia Continuing Education – 30 October 2019, 12-1:15pm

CONFERENCE – 26 October 2019, “Interdisciplinary methods: Using a community-based participatory approach to investigate machine translation literacy,” 3rd Biennial Conference on Interdisciplinarity in Translation and Interpreting, Shanghai International Studies University, China

PUBLIC LECTURE – 23 October 2019, 5:30 – 6:30pm, “Machine Translation Literacy”, University of Melbourne, Room 156, Level 1 Arts West Building, Professors Walk, University of Melbourne, Parkville. Available online.

CONFERENCE – 21 October 2019, “Machine Translation Literacy: Academic Libraries’ Role,” Association for Information Science & Technology, Melbourne, Australia

CONFERENCE – 19 October 2019, “Developing a program of ‘machine translation literacy’ for scholars: A collaboration across LIS and Translation,” Pre-conference workshop of the Special Interest Group in Social Informatics (SIG-SI), Association for Information Science & Technology, Melbourne, Australia

WORKSHOP – 7 October 2019, University of Ottawa: Getting the Most out of Machine Translation for your Scholarly Needs, Learning Crossroads Building, Rm CRX C230 (Learning Lab)

WORKSHOP – 30 September 2019, Concordia University: Getting the Most of our Machine Translation for your Scholarly Needs, 1:30-3:30pm, Rm 340.10, Guy-De Maisonneuve Building (1550 De Maisonneuve W.), Sir George Williams Campus

WORKSHOP – 24 September 2019, Concordia University: Getting the Most of our Machine Translation for your Scholarly Needs, 1:30-3:30pm, Rm 340.10, Guy-De Maisonneuve Building (1550 De Maisonneuve W.), Sir George Williams Campus


CONFERENCE - 6-9 February 2018, "Machine Translation and Scholarly Communication: Who? Why? How?" 2018 Conference of the Association for Library and Information Science Education, Denver, Colorado. (See poster below)