Contact Us

Membership of Freemasonry is open to any man who is aged twenty-one (21) or over, who is of demonstrably good character and can therefore be well and worthily recommended to join us by an existing Mason. Inquiries from eligible persons interested in joining our Fraternity in general, or Machen Lodge in particular, can be made to our Secretary via email: or To assist with this process further you are encouraged to fill in and submit the inquiry form below, and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

NB. Any Brother Mason wishing to attend a Regular Lodge Meeting as a visitor can use this FORM instead:

"Beautiful thoughts hardly bring us to God until they are acted upon"...

"Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth."

"Our purpose is to meet in harmony, promote friendship and be charitable"...

Warwickshire Provincial Grand Lodge Seal of Approval Logo

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