
The Derek James Memorial Pen:

This fountain pen was just minutes away from being presented to Worshipful  Brother Derek James (1927 - 2011) a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Warwickshire who was the Worshipful Master of our Lodge in 1972 and was so again in 1982. He was also our Almoner and very valued longstanding member at the time. As we were about to celebrate his fifty (50) years in Machen Lodge and almost sixty (60) years in Freemasonry in total, at our regular lodge meeting held on Thursday 20th January 2011, he was tragically taken from us to the Grand Lodge Above.

He is still very sorely missed by all those who knew him and so the Past Masters as a fitting tribute to his cherished memory decided that by presenting this pen to the incoming Secretary on Installation Night we could be assured that his place in our Masonic hearts and Lodge will live on forever.

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