Other Activities


16 October 2021 - Keynote Presentation. 'Rural NL: economic considerations'. Placentia Bay Industrial Showcase (PBIS) 2021: Back on Deck, Placentia Chamber of Commerce. View presentation slides.

7 October 2021 - Guest Lecture. ‘Health, health care and economics’. Masters of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

15 September 2021 - Moderator. ‘Newfoundland and Labrador’s Fiscal Trajectory,’ Hosted by Collaborative Research in Economics (CARE), Signal Hill Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland. View program & presentations.

5 February 2021 - Guest Lecture. ‘Economics in health care: expenditures, outcomes and evaluation’. Masters of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland. Virtual presentation.

14 April 2020 [POSTPONED] - Invited Speaker. ‘The importance of understanding the economic and fiscal circumstances of Newfoundland and Labrador when considering the costs of healthcare and health outcomes,’ Dollars & Sense: A conversation about improving our health care. A Quality of Care NL/Choosing Wisely NL Public Forum.

20 November 2019 - Invited Speaker. ‘Analysis of antibiotic utilization data for Newfoundland and Labrador from an economic perspective,’ Defeating Superbugs – Combatting Antibiotic Overuse and Resistance. A Quality of Care NL/Choosing Wisely NL Public Forum. Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

11 February 2020 - Chair. ‘Reasonable Solutions to Newfoundland and Labrador’s Fiscal Reality,’ Hosted by Department of Economics and Collaborative Research in Economics (CARE), Signal Hill Campus, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

8 October 2019 - Guest Lecture. ‘The importance of economic analysis in health and health care’. Masters of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

14-15 November 2019 - Invited Presentation. ‘The CARE Labour Market Observer: what and why?’ Conference on the Role of Universities and Other Institutes of Higher Education in Facilitating Economic, Social and Cultural Development in Peripheral Regions. Memorial University of Newfoundland.

1 October 2018 - Guest Lecture. "Economics in Health Care: expenditures, outcomes and evaluation". Masters of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

5 June 2018 - Guest Speaker. "Economics: What is it? What can you do with it?" Presentations to Level I, II and III classes at Laval High School, Placentia, NL.

12 April 2018 - Invited Expert, Presented on "Financing Lifelong Learning" at Policy Dialogue on Lifelong Learning: who pays and who delivers?, International Labour Organization (ILO), Geneva, Switzerland. (Slides)

7 March 2018 - Forum Chair, Healthcare in Newfoundland & Labrador. "Forum on Health Outcomes and Healthcare Costs: What Can We Afford?" Hosted by Department of Economics and Collaborative Applied Research in Economics (CARE),Memorial University of Newfoundland. See program, presentations, videos.

Committees / Roles


  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, Atlantic Canada Economics Association (ACEA)

  • Director, Master of Employment Relations (MER), Memorial University of Newfoundland

  • Curriculum Review Committee, Department of Economics, Memorial University of Newfoundland

  • Graduate Committee in Employment Relations (GCER), Memorial University of Newfoundland

  • Editor, Labour Market Observer, Collaborative Applied Research in Economics (CARE), Department of Economics, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Jan 2017 to present)

  • Co-operative Education Coordinator, Department of Economics, Memorial University of Newfoundland (Jan 2017 to present)


  • President's Award for Outstanding Research (PAOR) Selection Committee, Memorial University of Newfoundland

  • 2014/15 - Specialist Advisor, House of Commons Education Select Committee on Education (UK) [report]

  • 2016 - Expert Witness, House of Commons (UK) Joint Committee on Education, Skills and the Economy

  • 2015 - 2016 - Member of Royal Economics Society Women's Committee

  • 2015 - 2016 - Editor, Institute for Employment Research (IER) Newsletter, IER, University of Warwick

Peer Reviewer


  • British Journal of Industrial Relations

  • Canadian Journal of Higher Education

  • Higher Education Pedagogies

  • Higher Education Quarterly

  • Higher Education Review

  • Human Resource Management Journal

  • Oxford Economic Papers

  • Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education

  • Scottish Journal of Political Economy

  • Socio-Economic Review

  • Studies in Continuing Education

Grants and other

  • ESRC Secondary Data Initiative

  • SSHRC Insight Grant

  • Nuffield Foundation

  • International Journal of Training and Development