Burn Permits
Burn Permits in the Town and Village of Lyndon
To obtain a burn Permit contact the on duty Lyndonville Fire Officer,
By calling (802) 745-8844
Town Ordinances & State Law on Open Burning
An Ordinance regulating the disposal of solid wastes
WHEREAS, the Town of Lyndon has, by virtue of authority granted in 10 V.S.A.§ 564 and 24 V.S.A. §§ 1971 and 2202a(a), the powers to adopt, amend, repeal and enforce ordinances, and to manage and regulate solid waste disposal within its boundaries;
WHEREAS, the Town of Lyndon has for some time provided (a) waste management services for the benefit of its residents, based on the payment of a Sanitation Fee;
WHEREAS, the voters approved at the 1992 Annual Town Meeting that the Selectboard may set the rate to be paid by property owners for waste management services;
WHEREAS, the manner of managing solid waste is a matter of public interest and concern;
NOW THEREFORE, to protect public health and safety and to promote the responsible use of resources and protection of the environment, the Selectboard of the Town of Lyndon hereby adopts this ordinance to regulate the management of solid waste in the Town of Lyndon.
ARTICLE 3. Open Fires and Incineration.
A. Except as provided by this Article, the burning of any solid waste either by open fire or in a furnace, stove or other device is prohibited in the Town of Lyndon, unless the practice has been approved by the Department of Environmental Conservation.
B. To the extent allowed by the Vermont Air Pollution Control Regulations, a specific Permit may be granted by the fire warden for the following types of open burning:
A. The open burning of leaves, brush, garden wastes, slash, slabwood and other such natural wood wastes resulting from property maintenance, logging operations and clearing operations.
B. The open burning of natural wood, grass, leaves and similar materials for agricultural improvement, forest or wildlife habitat management or festive celebrations.
C. After providing notice to the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation, the burning of solid or liquid fuels or structures for bona fide fire training provided that materials other than natural wood are removed from any structures to the greatest extent possible prior to the training.
D. With the prior approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation burning authorized by the Selectboard as necessary for the protection of the public health liability or welfare, or to thwart a hazard.
E. With the prior approval of the Department of Environmental Conservation burning of natural-wood demolition or construction materials and natural-wood commercial wastes, such as pallets or skids, The open burning of natural wood by the Town of Lyndon in accordance with 10 V.S.A. § 565.
C. The fire warden shall not issue a permit unless he or she is satisfied that no hazardous condition will be created by such burning and the emission of air contaminants will not create a danger to the health and property of the citizens of the Town of Lyndon. Permits which are issued under the provisions of this ordinance shall be for a specified date, time and location, and only for materials specified in the permit.
D. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to the burning of natural wood or any virgin fuel such as oil, coal, propane, natural gas or similar fuels in a stove or furnace used to produce heat or in a stove for the purpose of preparing food.
E. Any person who violates the prohibitions contained in this Article shall immediately cease burning and immediately dispose of the solid waste.
Vermont State Forest Fire Laws
(10 V.S.A. Chapter 83, Section 2645)
§ 2645. Open burning; permits
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, a person shall not kindle or authorize another to kindle a fire in the open air for the purpose of burning brush, weeds, grass or rubbish of any kind except where there is snow on the site, without first obtaining permission from the fire warden or deputy warden of the town, stating when and where such fire may be kindled. Whenever such permission is granted, such warden, within 12 hours, shall issue a written permit for record purposes stating when and where such fire may be kindled. Permission shall not be required for the kindling of a fire in a location which is 200 feet or more from any woodland, timberland or field containing dry grass or other inflammable plant material contiguous to woodland. With the written approval of the secretary, during periods of extreme fire hazard, the commissioner may notify town fire wardens that for a specified period no burning permits shall be issued. The wardens shall issue no permits during the specified period.
(b) Whenever the commissioner deems that the public safety of any town or portion of a town of this state does not require the protection provided by this section, he may cause the town fire warden of any such town to post notices to that effect in not less than five conspicuous places in such town.
(c) The provisions of this section will not apply:
(1) To areas posted in accordance with subsection (b) of this section;
(2) To fires built in stone arches at state recreational areas;
(3) To fires built in special containers used for burning brush, waste, grass or rubbish when conditions are deemed satisfactory to the town fire warden; or
(4) To areas within cities or villages maintaining a fire department. (Added 1977, No. 253 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)