Gallery of Events

June 2021 IWLL Pig Roast

The First Annual IWLL Member Pig Roast was a huge success! It was a great evening of good food and getting to know other Ikes. We look forward to next year being even bigger and better

June 2021 Lynchburg Amateur Radio Club

It was great to have the Lynchburg Amateur Radio Club back at IWLL! Antennae were strung up all over the clubhouse grounds in effort to reach the farthest around the world. If the internet ever goes down, these ham radio aficionados are the ones we will rely on for emergency communications.

2020 Open House

Park Pictures

James River Association

The James River Association kids came out and visited our park. As you can see, they had a lot of fun!

IWLL Madison Heights Youth Baseball Team

In the summer of 2019, IWLL sponsored a Madison Heights Youth Baseball Team. In the AA Division, the IWLL 8 year-old team were league runners-up. These pictures are from their celebration party at the park.

Amateur Radio Field Day

On Saturday, June 22, 2019, IWLL hosted the Lynchburg Amateur Radio Club (LARC) for the annual ARRL Field Day. On this day, over 40,000 amateur radio operators (hams) in North America hold an "Open House" in which they set up temporary operational locations to practice mobilizing as they would to handle communications during natural disasters or other large-scale emergencies. The public is invited to observe as the hams compete to run up contacts with other hams in remote locations. Also, the public can participate in making contacts. The hams especially like introducing kids to the hobby/discipline. 🙂

Boy Scout Camporee

The Boy Scout Troop 7 of Lynchburg hosted the Piedmont District Spring Camporee at Izaak Walton Park in Amherst, VA. Eight boy scout troops participated, which included over 120 scouts and adults.

Silhouette Match

Here are a few highlights of the match that was organized by the Amherst County 4H Shooting Program.