Work Design

As an IO psychology professional, I can analyze and improve job structures, tasks, and processes to enhance productivity and employee well-being. My training has also equipped me to navigate team and leadership dynamics to achieve optimal organizational outcomes. 

Global Healthy Workplace Assessment Report and Presentation

Our team assessed Volkswagen's organizational structure, practices, and policies pertaining to employee health and wellness, culminating in the creation of a final report and presentation. Using a comprehensive framework, we evaluated Volkswagen's performance against the criteria for the Global Healthy Workplace Award and made recommendations for improvement. This project developed competencies in organizational assessment, evaluation of health and wellness practices, application of assessment frameworks, performance evaluation against recognized criteria, recommendation development, data analysis, report writing, and strategic thinking in the realm of employee health and wellness. 

Copy of VW PP
Assessment Report for Volkswagen 8th April (1).docx

Job Analysis Presentation and Updated Job Description

This project aimed to identify the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies (KSAOs) for the newly created Workforce Project Manager role at the City of Chattanooga. The role involves facilitating the implementation of programs that enhance economic mobility in under-employed, unemployed, and under-educated communities, focusing on cultural diversity. Collaborating closely with the director, we determined critical KSAOs for successful hiring. By leveraging sources like O*NET and theoretical frameworks, we conducted a comprehensive job analysis, resulting in an updated job description and recommendations for selecting the next Workforce Project Manager. 

Job Analysis_Workforce Project Manager.pdf
FINAL Workforce Project Manager Job Description Draft.docx.pdf