Talent Management

A major focus of I-O psychology is strategically recruiting, selecting, training, evaluating, compensating, and managing talent. It also includes understanding the implications and opportunities of individual differences when managing talent. 

Valuing and Retaing Hi-Po Talent

Investigating the critical challenge of valuing and retaining high-potential talent in a post-pandemic market, this paper explores the nuances of motivation, presenting a comprehensive strategy for Talent Management. The competencies developed in this project include the succinct translation of research findings into practical applications, innovative problem-solving to boost talent development, and effective talent management strategies. 

Final WP.pdf

Strategic Talent Acquisition: Developing Internships for a Skilled Talent Pipeline  

This consulting project focused on enhancing the recruitment and hiring process for ChildKind, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of children with medical or developmental disabilities. By leveraging strategic partnerships with local universities and establishing an internship program, ChildKind can attract students with the necessary skills and passion for their mission. These partnerships not only serve as a talent pipeline but also provide valuable learning opportunities for students while also raising awareness about ChildKind's holistic approach to supporting high-risk children and their families. 

ChildKind Brief Report.pdf
e-portfolio HR Presentation Final

Virtual Onboarding for Interns

This presentation and paper outline a virtual course I created for the onboarding of summer interns for Childkind, an Atlanta-based foster care organization. This project was completed for my Human Resources Training course and shows my competencies in training design, adult learning, and evaluation. 

Eportfolio - Distance Learning Paper

Understanding Program Design: HR Training Presentation

This presentation was crafted to guide the class through the process of developing an effective program design in HR training, offering a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. This course aimed to achieve several objectives, including assessing the training environment, evaluating audience training needs, and identifying effective trainer strategies for successful sessions. Additionally, the lesson covered aspects of content creation, emphasized the value of program design in knowledge transfer, and highlighted the key elements of an effective knowledge management system.


The Power of Corporate Social Responsibility in Attracting and Retaining Talent

This paper provides an Industrial-Organizational Psychology perspective on how organizations, especially ones with high levels of remote workers, attract, motivate, and retain their best-fit talent through robust and values-anchored Corporate Social Responsibility enterprises. This project enhanced competencies in talent attraction, motivation, and retention strategies, as well as implementing robust and values-driven Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives in organizations with high levels of remote workers. 

Rominger White Paper - Final Draft
TA Transformation.pdf

Intern Project Manager: Talent acquisition transformation at TVA 

The primary projects our team managed this summer involved the Talent Acquisition (TA) transformation that TVA is undergoing. These projects included candidate attraction and rebranding, technology enablement (new HCM), TA strategy, and recruitment process outsourcing (RPO). Through my involvement as an intern project manager, I gained invaluable insights into the design, implementation, and socialization of a large-scale talent acquisition transformation. I gained competencies in project management, candidate recruitment, talent sourcing, and budget prioritization.