Community Events
Skate-a-thon fundraiser
On a Sunday afternoon TBA in January, 2025, members of the Lutheran Student Movement will skate from 2 to 4 p.m. in support of Lutheran Campus Ministry-Edmonton's Annual Skate-A-Thon.
The fund-raising goal for the 2025 Skate-a-thon is $3,000!
Your donations will support the work of Lutheran Campus Ministry–Edmonton, including:
• Chaplain Richard Reimer and his service with the Lutheran Student Movement at the University of Alberta and the Intentional Christian Community at Martin Luther House
• Chaplain Dana Rayment in her service at NAIT and MacEwan University
Contact Rev. Richard Reimer for more information!
Prayer Works
“When it [the preparing, and eating of food] is done in the name of God, eating is the earthly realization of God’s eternal communion-building love” (Norman Wirzba, in Food and Faith).
One Friday each term we are invited to participate in the earthly and tangible realization of God’s goodness and love through serving dinner for the community of Alberta Avenue at PrayerWorks Common, a program of St. Faith’s Anglican Church, 11725-93 Street.
We volunteer for service next on Saturday, April 4th, 4:00-7:00pm.
This is a great service opportunity that provides us with a chance to connect with those who live on the margins of our society.
Contact Chaplain, Rev. Richard Reimer to volunteer!
Annual Banquet
A Friends of Lutheran Campus Ministry-Edmonton Banquet is held annually to thank all who support the ministry.
Date: Saturday, March 8th
Trinity Lutheran Church, 10014-81 Avenue - Reception at 5:00 p.m. followed by Dinner 5:30-8:00pm.
Contact U of A Chaplain Rev. Richard Reimer if you are interested in attending