Application Process
Applications for Fall/Winter residency should be received by April 30. Late applications are still welcome, but will be considered on a first-come, first served basis as long as space is still available. All applications will be acknowledged, and successful applicants will be notified by May 31, or as soon as possible in the case of late applications. Preference is given to full-time students during the academic year. Usually, residency is limited to a maximum of two years. Applications will be evaluated according to the purposes of Lutheran Campus Ministry – Edmonton (LCM-E), administrator of the House. LCM-E will make efforts to ensure gender diversity, and returning residents may be given priority over new applicants. Other preferences in selection include an attempt to balance the community so that residents are not from the same previous school, congregation or province. LCM-E will make a reasonable effort to notify successful applicants, and a security deposit will be expected within three weeks in order to hold the room. In the event that the applicant cancels their application, LCM-E may, at its discretion, charge a cancellation fee up to the amount of the deposit.
Fall/Winter residents of the House may continue to reside at the House over the summer months. The rent obligations remain the same. However, the summer community is much less structured. Any rooms not occupied by their fall/winter residents may be rented out over the summer.
Fall/Winter Application Form and Residential Tenancy Agreement
Spring/Summer Application Form and Residential Tenancy Agreement
For more information regarding Tenancy, please contact U of A Chaplain Rev. Richard Reimer