Tracing Celestial Curves: Conic Sections

Step into the enchanting world of mathematical marvels as Dr. Imran Anwar and Dr. Syed Moeez Hassan takes us on a celestial journey through the captivating realms of conic sections. The LUMS Math Circle's latest session, titled "Tracing Celestial Curves: Conic Sections" unfolded an evening of wonder, learning, and hands-on exploration.

Drs. Anwar and Hassan began by unraveling the mystery behind conic sections, shedding light on why these mathematical wonders are aptly named. With the help of props, they skillfully demonstrated how conic sections are derived from a cone, laying the groundwork for a deeper understanding of these elegant curves.

In a mesmerizing demonstration, Dr. Imran Anwar engaged the participants in an interactive session on drawing circles and ellipses using nothing but thread and paper pins. This hands-on activity not only brought the defining properties of these conic sections to life but also allowed the young minds to participate in the learning process actively.

Adding another layer of intrigue to the Math Circle session, Dr. Moeez Hassan employed simulations to demystify the workings of gravity. The young learners were captivated as they explored the concept of escape velocity, deepening their understanding of the forces that govern celestial bodies' movements.

As the evening reached its celestial climax, Dr. Moeez Hassan took the stage for the certificate distribution ceremony. Each participant was recognized for their active participation and dedication to exploring the mathematical wonders of conic sections. The certificates, presented by Dr. Hassan, served as tangible mementos of the enlightening journey into the cosmos undertaken by the Math Circle attendees.

Here are some highlights from the event:

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Dr. Syed Moeez Hassan
Associate Professor, Mathematics, SBASSE, LUMS.

Dr. Imran Anwar
Associate Professor, Mathematics, SBASSE, LUMS.