
City: Sialkot

School: FGPS No.2 Boys and FGPS No.2 Girls

Our young prodigies embarked on an enchanting journey through the world of numbers, cryptography, and intriguing mathematical phenomena.

In this session, our brilliant students explored the captivating realm of Cryptography, gaining insights into the art of encoding and decoding plaintext using ciphers. But that's not all! They also discovered the magic of the "Birthday Guess Trick" through the binary number system, adding a touch of mystique to their mathematical toolkit.

In the spirit of mathematical adventure, our young minds immersed themselves in the mysteries of numbers, uncovering the famous Kaprekar's Constant and unraveling the enigmatic Collatz Conjecture. These mathematical wonders challenged their intellect and broadened their horizons, making math not just a subject but a thrilling exploration!

The students also learned the art of encoding and decoding plaintext through two iconic ciphers:

The Caesar's Cipher

The Vigenère Cipher

Their mathematical prowess was further enriched as they delved into the exploration of numbers in different base systems, a key skill for budding mathematicians!

The young minds were also introduced to the legendary "Enigma" machine, which played a pivotal role in history during World War II.

We would like to extend a special shoutout to Dr. Ambreen Ahmed, Head of the Department at the University of Narowal, for her invaluable contribution to this session. 

To celebrate the remarkable achievements of our students, the session concluded with a special badge distribution ceremony among the top participants.

Some highlights from the event: 

For more pictures visit our Facebook page.


Dr. Waqas Ali Azahr

Adjunct Faculty, Mathematics

