Lukas Gustafsson

I have a PhD in Mathematics since 2023, supervised by Sandra Di Rocco and co-supervisor Kathlén Kohn at KTH, Sweden. My area of research is applied algebraic geometry and algebraic statistics.

Current Position

PhD student in Mathematics

Seminars & Conferences Organized 

Contact Details

Research Papers and Preprints

Status: Submitted to journalCo-authors: Sandra Di Rocco & Luca SodomacoStatus: Submitted to journalCo-authors: Carlos Améndola, Kathlén Kohn, Orlando Marigliano & Anna Seigal Status: Submitted to journalCo-authors: Paul Breiding, Timothy Duff, Felix Rydell, Elima ShehuStatus: Submitted to journalCo-authors: Sandra Di Rocco & Luca SchafflerAccepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and GeometryCo-authors: Carlos Améndola, Kathlén Kohn, Orlando Marigliano & Anna Seigal Published: "Le Matematiche", vol.76, issue 2, pages 535-557


Master's Degree in Mathematics

Bachelor's Degree in Engineering Physics

Teaching Experience

Currently Teaching

Previous Teaching

Conferences, Workshops and Seminars Participated

Talks Given

Volunteer projects

Super-Resolution Microscopy

Computer Vision