PhD Math Fest

A conference for PhD students in Mathematics from Stockholm and surrounding areas


The PhD Math Fest 2022 was a one-day conference for PhD students in Mathematics working in Stockholm (SU, KTH), Uppsala (UU), and surrounding areas. The aim of PhD Math Fest was to provide:

  1. A setting for networking with other PhD students from Stockholm and neighbouring regions.

  2. A forum for discussing topics of interest to PhD students in Mathematics.

  3. An arena for presenting overviews of current research at the departments.

  4. A possibility for PhD students to give conference talks in a friendly environment.

  5. An opportunity to connect with alumni with PhD background in mathematics.

The registration deadline was Sunday, 1st of May, 2022.

The conference took place on Friday, June 3rd at Skansen, Stockholm. The conference included talks, a career event, and a conference dinner. See Practical Information for some details.

Funding for the event was kindly provided by the Stockholm Mathematics Centre (SMC), a joint centre for mathematics at KTH and Stockholm University, so no registration fee was needed.


Organizing committee (