Fika webinar

Applied algebraic geometry


This is the information page for the online seminar for the non-linear algebra group of Sandra di Rocco and Kathlén Kohn

Practical information

The webinar series has finished for now!


July 2nd 2020

A calculus for monomials in Chow group A^{n-3}(n)

Speaker: Jiayue Qi


We introduce an algorithm for computing the integral value of all monomialsin the Chow group A^{n-3}(n).

June 25th 2020

Discriminants: Algebra, Geometry and Combinatorics

Speaker: Sandra di Rocco


This talk will serve as a survey on how to view the concept of discriminants (of polynomials) algebraically (via polynomials), geometrically (via hyperplane sections) and combinatorially(via convex polytopes).The interplay relies on classic projective geometry, characteristic classes and convex and toric geometry.

June 11th 2020

Title: Three Perspectives of Schiemann's theorem

Speaker: Felix Rydell

Seminar_Presentation (2).pdf

June 4th 2020

Title: Wasserstein distance to an algebraic variety

Speaker: Lorenzo Venturello


I will give a gentle introduction to the concept of Wasserstein distance between two discrete probability distributions, which recently gained popularity in the context of machine learning. In particular, I will focus on the distance between a distribution and a model when the latter is defined by polynomial equations (i.e., a variety). This involves the study of distances whose unit norm is a polytope, and hence it can be fun for people in algebraic geometry as well as in combinatorics.
This is joint work with Türkü Özlüm Çelik, Asgar Jamneshan, Guido Montúfar and Bernd Sturmfels.

May 29th 2020

A nice compactification of moduli space for n distinct points on projective line

Speaker: Jiayue Qi


We introduce an elementary construction of a nice compactification ofmoduli space for n distinct points on projective line. And we introduce some interesting combinatorics properties of it. Later we say that with the help of those properties, it can be proved that the compactification is smooth, and of dimension (n-3).

May 20th 2020

Title: Stability of steady states and positivity of polynomials in Chemical Reaction Networks.

Speaker: Angélica Torres


The dynamics of a Chemical Reaction Network can be modelled with a system of ordinary differential equations that, under mass action-kinetics, are polynomial. In this talk I will introduce these dynamical systems, and with some examples, I will show how studying the positivity of certain polynomials allows to determine the stability of equilibrium points.
Fika - Angélica Torres.pdf

May 14th 2020

Title: Computational complexity of learning algebraic varieities

Speaker: Oliver Gäfvert


May 7th 2020

Title: Introduction to Metric Algebraic Geometry

Speaker: Lukas Gustafsson


Finding critical points of a function subject to equality constraints is a classical optimization problem which in the general case is solved through the application of Lagrange multipliers. If the function and constraints are algebraic we may apply algebraic methods to the problem instead. An example of this is the Euclidean distance to a fixed point p, restricted to an algebraic variety. For a fixed variety, over the complex numbers, the number of such "distance"-critical points is constant for any choice of p (in some dense open​ subset of the ambient space). This is what is called the Euclidean Distance Degree (EDD). I will elaborate on the EDD and how these ideas might be applied within algebraic statistics and other areas.

April 30th 2020

Title: Polynomials in Nonparametric Regression

Speaker: Orlando Marigliano


In this talk, I introduce the boundary regression problem in nonparametric statistics and discuss a solution based on approximation with polynomials.

April 23rd 2020

Title: Compactifications of the moduli space of cubic surfaces

Speaker: Luca Schaffler


In algebraic geometry, an algebraic variety is a geometric object defined by polynomial equations. The space of parameters for a family of algebraic varieties may also be an algebraic variety called moduli space. In this talk I will motivate the study of compactifications of moduli spaces focusing on the case of moduli of cubic surfaces. The original results concern the interplay between different compactifications of the family of cubic surfaces coming from Geometric Invariant Theory and the Minimal Model Program.
This is joint work with Patricio Gallardo and Matt Kerr.

April 16th 2020

Title: Invariant Theory for Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Speaker: Kathlén Kohn


We give a broad introduction to Hilbert's null cone in invariant theory and maximum likelihood estimation in statistics. The latter is a method to find a probability distribution that best fits some empirical data. We build a bridge between invariant theory and statistics: First, we observe that many statistical models are parametrized by a group action. Second, for such models we explain that maximum likelihood estimation is equivalent to null cone membership testing.
This is joint work with Carlos Améndola, Philipp Reichenbach, and Anna Seigal.