LOWSKIM project

LOWSKIM Project - A job matching app sustaining mobility of low-skilled candidates on a disrupted labour market

FNR BRIDGES - 2021/2023

Digital transformation and the COVID-19 economic crisis massively affect low-skilled workers’ labour market opportunities. With LOWSKIM, Jobook, in partnership with LISER, will set up innovative solutions and tailored advice services to recruiters and low-skilled candidates. While most existing recruitment app rely on résumé and focus on high-skilled, this project aims at offering low-skilled workers the access to new job opportunities with a good skill match and with a low risk of automation. LOWSKIM will develop AI solutions in semantic web and clustering technics and conduct field-experiments and surveys to improve the job matching process of Jobfirst.

By exploiting the skill complementarity propensities between occupations across space and business sectors and beware of jobs at risk and growing ones, LOWSKIM will guide job candidates to adequate and secure jobs. LOWSKIM will deliver these innovative and updated services for Luxembourg before jumping to other European countries.

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