A copy of my CV is available here

Current position

Since 02/2019: Research Scientist (R3) at the Labour Market Department at LISER, Luxembourg

Since 01/2022: Research Fellow at IZA, Bonn (Germany)

Since 2004:  Associate Research Fellow at CREM, UMR CNRS 6211 (France)

Past positions 

2018-2020: Theme coordinator of the 'Employer/Employee Relations' research topic of the Labour Market Department of LISER, Luxembourg

03/2017-03/2018:  Team Leader 'Personnel and Behavioural Economics' at LISER, Luxembourg

2016-2017: Coordinator of the LISER-LAB, LISER-Laboratory for experimentation in social sciences – LISER, Luxembourg

2008-2019: Research Fellow – LISER (formerly CEPS/INSTEAD), Luxembourg

2007-2008: Lecturer ENSAI, France

2004-2008: Lecturer University of Rennes 1, France



2022: PhD Supervision Rights (ADR) in Psychology, University of Luxembourg - June

2020: PhD Supervision Rights (ADR) in Economics, University of Luxembourg - September 

2020: HDR in Economics - University of Strasbourg, Faculty of Economics/Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée (BETA, UMR CNRS INRA 7522), France – 17 September 

"Consequences of digital transformations on employees' attitudes, well-being and future skills" under the supervision of the Pr. Jocelyn Donze

Jury: Philippe Askenazy (ENS, Paris); Michele Belot (EUI, Univ. Edinburg); Andrew Clark (PSE, ENS, Paris); Nathalie Greenan (CNAM/Lirsa/CEET, Paris); Julien Pénin (BETA, Univ. Strasbourg)

2004-2008: Ph.D. in Economics - University of Rennes 1, France

“Essais sur la mesure des impacts des TIC sur les entreprises et les salariés” (Essays on the measure of ICT impacts on firms and employees) under the supervision of the Pr. Thierry Pénard

Jury: Irene  Bertschek  (ZEW);  Danielle  Galliano  (INRA-Toulouse); Nathalie Greenan (CNRS-CEE); Sophie Larribeau (Pr.  University of Rennes1);  Jean-Benoît  Zimmermann

(CNRS-GREQAM - University of Méditerranée, Aix-Marseille II)

2003-2004: M.Sc. in Economics (with a major in European Industrial Economics) - University of Rennes 1, France, Rank 1 

2002-2003: B.Sc. in Economics (with a major in Economic Analysis) - University of Clermont-Ferrand, Rank 1

Conferences/seminars since 2010

2021: 13th Workshop on Labour Economics organized by the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU), March 25-26; Workshop on COVID-19 and Labour Markets organized by the Institute for Labour Law and Industrial Relations in the European Union (IAAEU), 7th May; 2nd LISER/IAB conference on Digital Transformation and the Future of Work, organized by IAB and LISER, September 20 -21; Scientific Conference on Inclusive Futures for Europe BEYOND Industrie4.0 and Digital Disruption organized by BEYOND4.0 project Consortium and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, September 30 - October 1 \\

2020: 1st LISER/IAB conference on Digital Transformation and the Future of Work, Esch/sur/Alzette (Luxembourg);  2019:  2nd IZA/CREA Workshop: Exploring the Future of Work, Bonn (Germany); European ESA meeting, Dijon (France); 22nd Colloquium on Personnel Economics, COPE, Augsburg (Germany); 2018: Congrès de l’Association Française de  Science Economique, AFSE, Paris (France); 2017: LISER-LAB inaugural workshop, Esch-sur-Alzette (Luxembourg); French Association of Experimental Economics (AFSEE), Rennes (France); Workshop on Experimental advances in Organizational Behavior, Burgundy School of Business, Dijon (France); 9th Workshop on Economics, University of Trier (Germany); 2016: Workshop on Subjective survey data in labour market research, University of Trier (Germany); French Association of Experimental Economics (AFSEE), Cergy-Pontoise (France); Congrès de l’Association Française de Science Economique, AFSE, Nancy (France); Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA) (Besançon, France); 8th Workshop on Economics, University of Trier (Germany); 2015: Closing Workshop of the TWAIN Project, LISER (Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg); InGRID Workshop - Quality of working life and economic performance, CEE (Noisy le Grand, France); ZEW Seminar (Mannheim, Germany); - Congrès de l’Association Française de Science Economique, AFSE (Rennes, France); 2ème Ecole d’été d’économie numérique (Rennes, France) ; London Experimental Workshop, London (UK); LISER Seminar (Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg); 2013: Congrès de l’Association Française de Science Economique, AFSE (Aix en Provence, France); Workshop M@rsouin (St Malo, France); 2012: Congrès de l’Association Française de Science Economique, AFSE (Paris, France); Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA) (Brest, France); Workshop M@rsouin (Brest, France); 2011: AEA conference, Towards a Digital Society (Luxembourg); Conference ’Perspectives on wellbeing at work’, CRESS-Kingston Business School (London, UK);  CEPS/INSTEAD Seminar (Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg); ZEW Workshop on Economics of ICT (Mannheim, Germany), ESNIE Summerschool (Cargèse, France); 2010: Colloque “LU2020”, CRP H. Tudor (Luxembourg),  MICRODYN summerschool, (Cambridge, UK); ZEW Workshop on Economics of ICT (Mannheim, Germany); DRUID Summer conference (London, UK) Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée (JMA) (Angers), Spring Meeting of Young Economists (SMYE) (Luxembourg)

Languages and Softwares