
Research interests

- Personnel Economics 

- Labour Economics

- Economics of digitalization

 - Behavioural and Experimental Economics

Research projects

WinWin4WorkLife (2024-2027) - Work Package Leader: Healthy, inclusive and sustainable remote working futures as a Win-Win for employees and employers in urban, rural, and cross-border areas (consortium leader: LISER)  which has received funding from the European Union's research and innovation Horizon Europe programme

SkiLMeeT (2024-2027) - Collaborator: Skills for labour markets in the digital and green transition (consortium leader: TNO) which has received funding from the European Union's research and innovation Horizon Europe programme

FNR INTER AUDACE Québec/LU Heart@work (2023-2025) - Local Principal Investigator (consortium leader: UQUAM)

FNR INTER UK/LU ENGAGE (2023-2025)  - Local Principal Investigator (consortium leader: University College London (UCL))

WeLAR (2022-2025) - Local Principal Investigator: Welfare systems and labour market policies for economic and social resilience in Europe (consortium leader: KU Leuven) which has received funding from the European Union's research and innovation Horizon Europe programme, see Research grants for more details

UNTANGLED (2021-2024) – Local Principal Investigator: Untangling the impacts of technological transformations, globalisation and demographic change to foster shared prosperity in Europe (consortium leader: KU Leuven) which has received funding from the European Union's research and innovation H2020 programme, see Research grants for more details 

LOWSKIM (2021-2023 ) Principal Investigator: A job matching app sustaining mobility of low-skilled candidates on a disrupted labour market, funded by the National Research Fund of Luxembourg (FNR) under the BRIDGES program, see Research grants for more details

DIGITUP (2020-2021) Principal Investigator: Digital Upskilling in a telework environment - funded by the National Research Fund of Luxembourg (FNR), see Research grants for more details

TWAIN (2012-2015) Principal Investigator: Technology Use at Work and Innovative Work Practices: Assessing the Impact on Work Environment, Employees' Motivations, funded by the National Research Fund of Luxembourg (FNR):, see Research grants for more details

Articles in peer-reviewed journals

Other version

Martin L.  (2018)  ‘How to retain motivated employees in their job?’, Economic and Industrial Democracy, First Published, January 8, 2018  

Martin L.  (2016) 'High involvement management practices, technology uses, work motivation and job search behaviour,' LISER Working Paper Series 2016-03

2017-2018 - top 20 most read paper in Industrial Relations

Other version: Martin L.  (2015) 'Innovative work practices, ICT use and employees' motivations', LISER Working Paper Series 2015-05

 Book chapters

Work in progress (selected)