Getting Started

There is no one right way to begin!

Charting your path

Every group is unique. The resources in this section will help you get started with Let's Talk Race, regardless of where you are beginning your journey. You may be an experienced practitioner or new to race equity work. Use these tools to understand the next steps that are best for you.

Check your readiness

The checklists and starter packs in this section will help you understand where your group is on its LTR journey and give you ideas on how to get started. First, identify whether you are in an organization or a small group (or a little bit of both). Then, take a look at the checklist and starter pack that fits your needs.

Which best describes your team?

I want to start a Let's Talk Race 

opportunity with my organization.

Built for libraries, museums, non-profits, religious entities and any place that needs formal structure and approval to take on a new initiative. 

I want to start a Let's Talk Race 

opportunity with my small group.

Built for book clubs, friend circles, study groups and people who gather in general. We recommend a minimum of four and maximum of ten for small groups.

Organizational Checklist 20230406
Small Group Checklist 20230406

Pitch your idea

Your idea is starting to take shape. You're ready to seek formal approval from your group or organization. 

Your goal is to provide the information that decision-makers will need to say “yes.” Creating a Project Charter is exactly what you need to pitch your idea for approval. It ensures that the right people are consulted before the project moves too far forward.

Use our Project Charter Template and customize it to fit your needs. Once you have filled in all of your information, you will have a formal written charter that is ready to be shared with colleagues and stakeholders. 

Project Charter 20230406

"If you want to go quickly, go alone.
If you want to go far, go together." 

-African Proverb

Assemble your team

Building the right team is one of the most important keys to creating an effective Let's Talk Race experience. 

The people on your team are going to power your program and make it come alive. Be intentional about who you need on board and what skillsets they bring to create a rich and fulfilling experience for your community.

Assemble Your Team Document 20230406

Create an action plan

Let’s get your Action Plan down on paper. Use this template to get started. 

Typically, this is a collaborative activity for members of the team. Customize as needed for your group. We encourage everyone to start small and take on a set of activities that you can realistically do well.  

Looking for inspiration? The checklists you completed included cupcakes for small groups and organizations. You can also browse the conversation guides or peruse the toolkit. Mix and match elements to create a program that’s right for you right now.  

Action Plan Template 20230406

Are you ready for the next step?

Start building skills and awareness to facilitate LTR conversations