
Officer Safety Training

Officer Safety Training is the basic training officers go through after passing their interview. It teaches them basic policing procedure, including radio communications, the national decision making model, legislation and general conduct. Officers will also be taught basic first aid, as well as their basic level 4 driving training. 

Driver Training

Driver Level
Basic - no blue lights or exemptions. Blues for compliant stops only or protecting scene.
Standard - blue lights and exemptions. (commonly trained in IPP)
Advanced - blue lights, exemptions and high performance vehicles. (commonly trained in TPAC)

Driver Tactical Training
IPP - Initial pursuit phase: can pursue but not perform TPAC/TC.
TPAC - Tactical phase: can pursue & TPAC/TC. 

Taser Trained Officer Course

After being promoted to Police Constable all officers will undergo taser training. The Taser itself is a less lethal hand held weapon that is designed to temporarily incapacitate a suspect through the use of of an electrical current. It allows officers to deal with violent or potentially violent people at a distance whilst mitigating risk of injury to the officers

Forensic Training

Processing a Person in Custody with adding fingerprints to the Police National Computer requires a quick and simple training. After the training you will also be able to check a suspect against the fingerprint database to confirm his identity.  You can apply here. The training can be done by R&D or CID senior.

Firearms Trainer Officer Course 

After having spent 14 days as a Police Constable you can apply to the Firearms Trainer Officer Course (FTOC). Completing this course will grant you access to the Glock 17 Service Pistol in line with Avant-Garde regulations. Your application will be reviewed by Firearms Command and upon being accepted you will be invited to attend a training session. The course teaches officers use of force, de-escalation and deployment considerations among other skills. You can apply here.

Marine Police Officer Training

Our water borne service, equipped with multiple marine patrol vehicles. Trained in all aspects of policing in the water as well as submarine operations and our first line of defence on drug smugglers originating from Cayo Perico, Available to all PC+

Probationary Constables may receive Diver Training, this allows them to board MPO water vehicles.

Dog Support Unit Training

From carrying out normal duties in searching for criminals to a specific scent such as that of a particular substance. The police force would be much less effective without the aid and assistance of its canine colleagues.

Advanced DSU training will allow you to participate in Firearms operations

Specialist Firearms Command Training

Authorised Firearms Officer (AFO) 

Specialist Firearms Officer (SFO) 

Counter Terrorist Specialist Firearms Officer (CTSFO)

National Police Air Service Training

Our air service deals with all our air intelligence operations. Dealing with offenders from traffic chases to gang wars.  Without our eyes in the sky we would have alot more difficulty in  tracking suspects

Advanced NPAS training will allow access to NPAS-99 our premier operations helicopter with slings attached