Theme 4: Keys To Happiness

Keys To Happiness

This final theme is a culmination of months of social distancing, online learning, new norms, and a hard reset on how we use time, money, and resources away from our previous busy life.

The theme this week is to reflect and to hold onto the positive things that have emerged from these times. Let's build a positive message, idea, activity, or thought each day of this week to capture that despite some difficult times we have also had an opportunity to develop some new appreciations and habits.

This week I will have one post that will contain an ongoing list of positive ideas you build each day.

Your challenge is to build and capture one positive thing from this time of uncertainty. I will add to this page so we have one spot of memories and inspiration.

Video Launch

Please watch this so you understand the build and the next steps.


Video Games

Planting a Garden


Painting on Canvas


Minecraft Steve with map and flower

Animal Crossing

Fishing, NBA, a super crisp stick of celery with peanut butter, windmills and music



Crocheting blankets

Eating with silverware
