Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression
(includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)
This book titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" was written by Brahma Kumari Pari.
This book titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" was written by Brahma Kumari Pari.
This book was written based on the knowledge provided by God through the Brahma Kumaris, the author's experiences, etc.
This book was written based on the knowledge provided by God through the Brahma Kumaris, the author's experiences, etc.
This book, which was originally written in English, is being translated into various languages.
Click on the following links to:
1. to see the Table of Contents and for information on the books.
2. to purchase the eBooks at Smashwords, Amazon, Google Play, etc. (for only US2.99).
3. to buying the printed book through the author or at Amazon (for only US 12.99).
The following are the links for the English and translated books:
1. Click on the following link for details on the original English book titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)"
1. Click on the following link for details on the original English book titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)"
2. Click on the following link for details on the book, which has been translated into Portuguese, titled: Meditação Raja Yoga para Permanecer Livre de Estresse, Maus Humores e Depressão (inclui Extratos de Murli Brahma Kumaris com Explicações)
2. Click on the following link for details on the book, which has been translated into Portuguese, titled: Meditação Raja Yoga para Permanecer Livre de Estresse, Maus Humores e Depressão (inclui Extratos de Murli Brahma Kumaris com Explicações)
3. Click on the following link for details on the book, which has been translated into Spanish, titled: Meditación de Raja Yoga para mantenerse libre del estrés, los bajos estados de ánimo y la depresión (incluye extractos Murli de Brahma Kumaris con explicaciones)
3. Click on the following link for details on the book, which has been translated into Spanish, titled: Meditación de Raja Yoga para mantenerse libre del estrés, los bajos estados de ánimo y la depresión (incluye extractos Murli de Brahma Kumaris con explicaciones)
4. Click on the following link for details on the book, which has been translated into Hindi, titled: तनाव, लो मूड और डिप्रेशन से मुक्त रहने के लिए राज योग ध्यान (स्पष्टीकरण के साथ ब्रह्मा कुमारी मुरली के अंश शामिल हैं)
5. Click on the following link for details on the book, which has been translated into Japanese, titled: ストレス、気分の落ち込み、うつ病から解放されるためのラジャヨガ瞑想 (ブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリの抜粋と説明を含む)
5. Click on the following link for details on the book, which has been translated into Japanese, titled: ストレス、気分の落ち込み、うつ病から解放されるためのラジャヨガ瞑想 (ブラフマ・クマリス・ムルリの抜粋と説明を含む)