Book 7 - Spanish - Cover
La cubierta y contraportada del libro en papel "Meditación de Raja Yoga para mantenerse libre del estrés, los bajos estados de ánimo y la depresión (incluye extractos Murli de Brahma Kumaris con explicaciones)"
The cover and back cover of the printed book titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)" :
La portada del libro electrónico "Meditación de Raja Yoga para mantenerse libre del estrés, los bajos estados de ánimo y la depresión (incluye extractos Murli de Brahma Kumaris con explicaciones) "
The cover of the eBook "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)":
For the Table of Contents and description (in Spanish) of the eBook/book titled "Raja Yoga Meditation for Remaining Free from Stress, Low Moods and Depression (includes Brahma Kumaris Murli Extracts with Explanations)".
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