Housing Justice
National Demands
Statewide Demands (KY)
SIGN: the Lexington Housing Justice Collective petition calling for a moratorium on evictions, foreclosures, and rent payment.
READ: article about LHJC in the C-J here
FOLLOW: LHJC Twitter account for updates
Are you a Kentuckian who can't pay rent? Updated Information from the Kentucky Equal Justice Center
Is your property covered by the CARES act? Root Cause Research Center can help.
Consider sharing your housing story with Root Cause, to be shared with Broken Hearted Homes Renters Association, Black Lives Matter Louisville, Kentucky Equal Justice Center, and Legal Aid Society of Louisville, so that they can better assist you in staying in your home. Fill out the survey.
Visit (and donate if you can!) The Coalition for the Homeless Louisville for more info.
Lifeline loans
Check out LHome’s Lifeloan Loan Program - you can get up to $500 for 12 months to be used for rent, utilities, and/or healthcare.
How to Talk to Your Landlord
Kentucky Equal Justice Center Resources:
Sample letter letter that you can customize and send to your landlord (for Kentuckians who cannot pay rent)
What to Do if You Can't Pay Rent Because of Coronavirus (Vice article) - basic tips below:
Don't make any partial rent payments without coming to an agreement with your landlord!
Reach out to your landlord
Realize you have some leverage
Put down any agreement you have in writing
Know your rights