Elder Support
Folks over the age of 60 are at higher risk for complications with contraction of Coronavirus. Here are some resources for our elders.
Dare to Care Food Bank: Dare to Care has a website with information about their resources during the pandemic. Elders can locate food assistance through the website or by calling (502) 966-3821.
Commodities Supplemental Food Program (CSFP): This federal program provides monthly, well-balanced food packages to low-income seniors who meet certain requirements. The goal is to improve the health of people at least 60 years of age by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA commodity foods, such as grains, protein, fruits, and vegetables. For more information about the CSFP program and eligibility, call Dare to Care at (502) 966-3821 or email Tami Garris at tami@daretocare.org.
Prescription Delivery: Many pharmacies are offering free delivery of prescription medications. Call your pharmacist to check on delivery options.