
EmberStar is a really sweet cat. She gives and gives, but never takes. This causes other cats to sometimes take advantage of her. She's intelligent, but can never see it when it happens. She is not naive and she understands the the world is a cruel, hard place, but her life is dedicated to bringing light to the darkness. EmberStar would never hide behind her clan in a time of danger. She's always leading and will sacrifice herself as many times as she has to. She has a strong fear of any of her clan dying, and when this happens she severely blames herself, no matter the cause of death.

EmberStar struggles with basic things due to her small size. But this doesn't stop her from trying! She's a very determined and stubborn young leader who shows true courage, even through the toughest of times. Ever since she was a kit, she's always wished she could just fly away from all of her troubles.

As a kit she had a very hard time. She was always too small to do anything and was often teased about this. Also, she had a horrible mother who didn't care about her and had an unknown father. She soon found other hobbies to keep herself busy, like bird watching. She soon grew to love their grace and wished to join them in the sky. She was also very clumsy and grew to be very jealous of the other kits. For they had loving parents and strode fluidly through the camp. She soon joined the ranks of the dark forest, but was quickly kicked out. She only ever spoke of this once, and that was to her mother, but she was never heard. She now understands the evil of the forest and has kept it a secret ever since, doing her best to make up for it. She couldn't even sneak out of camp without getting caught. She believed she was the lousiest kit ever. She was always very clever, though she never realized how much of an asset that was. EmberKit talked her way out of many sticky situations and, once she grew a bit, she became a pretty fast runner for her size.

her relationship with SweetWater

