I am based in the UK.
I am currently a Lead Research & Outcomes Consultant for the RCSLT, a Scientific Writer at Psychology Tools and Lecturer at the School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences, at the University of Reading.
I completed a doctorate at University College London (UCL), with Professor Gabriella Vigliocco and then post-doctoral research with Professor Karalyn Patterson at the Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit in Cambridge, UK. I completed training to be an SLT at UCL between 2008 and 2010. From 2010-2020 I was an academic in the School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences at the University of Reading. I now work part-time across academic, clinical-academic and consultancy jobs.
The British Aphasiology Society
A national interest group formed to foster the study of aphasia and promote development of the range of clinical services for people with aphasia. They run excellent conferences / events, and provide support to clinicians, academics and professionals working with aphasia. I was a committee member from 2013-2019, and Chair from 2017-2019.
Clinical Academics in SLT website
Clinical Excellence Network (CEN) that provides support, mentoring and opportunities for Speech & Language Therapists interested in developing research skills, research projects or research as part of their careers. I was part of the founding committee, and am currently co-link person for RCSLT CEN matters.