
Anwar El Khouja

My roles:

·  Using the computer

·  Helping young children

·  Doing cleaning

·  Setup the tables

·  Dealing with the till and handling with cash

·  Communication with customers

·  Arranging cupboards and stock


What I have learnt from calm connections is Cleaning the floor and communication with staff and customers. I also learnt safety and hazards.


I always enjoyed speaking to staff members and     communicating with customers. I also enjoyed using the computers for example, power point, E cards, designing cards and emailing.

Pherrell Matthews

Patrick Hughes

Ramsey Benda

Ethan Owens

Taha Khalid

My roles:

·  Cleaning the tables

·  Sorting out the chairs

·  Cleaning the dishes

·  Making coffee and serving the customer

·  Being at the till


There are few things I learnt from The Edge Café. I learnt how to use the till. I learned how to serve customers and I have also learned how to make coffee out of the coffee machine.


What I enjoyed in The Edge Café was, making coffee and serving the customers and using the till.

Tory Burke

Wasima Begum

James Livesey & Daniyal Rathore

Amelia Hoole

My roles:


·  Fold all the clothes and put them in a different pile

·  Dealing with production

 My manager Lisa told me how to put clothes, shoes etc and put it in the box.

 I enjoyed meeting new members of staff and I love the job that I do.

Work experience Questions at the Cafe


What’s your name?

My name is Morgan Howard.


Where /did you go for how long?

I went to the edge café, and I have been there for 6/7 weeks.


Did you enjoy it- if so, what was your favourite thing?

I did a lot of tasks like working behind the reception dish and making the sandwiches.


What skills did you learn?

I learned how to make sandwiches and sort out tickets.


Would you return to this employment?

Yes, I would return to this employment.


Would you recommend this employment for Sen students?

Yes, I would recommend it.

Work experience Questions at the manchester centre library 


What’s your name?

my name is Saihaan Khan. 


Where /did you go for how long?

For my work experience I went to the Manchester centre library, and I went for 6/7 weeks.


Did you enjoy it- if so, what was your favourite thing?

I scammed old photos of Manchester and put it on the system online.


What skills did you learn?

I did enjoy it and my favourite part was looking at and editing the photos.


Would you return to this employment?

I learned how to scam images.

Yes, I would work at the library.


Would you recommend this employment for Sen students?

Yes, I would tell other SEN students.

Work experience Questions at the Afflecks


What’s your name?

My name is Celeste Boateng.


Where did you go for how long?

I went to Affleck and for a 6 weeks.


What did you do while there?

She cleaned the table and help the kitchen.


Did you enjoy, if so, what was your favourite thing?

She enjoyed working in the kitchen.


What skills did you learn?

She learned how to make food.



Would you return to this employment?




Would you recommend this employment for SEN students?

Yeah I would recommend this to special needs students 

Work experience Questions at the Loreto Canteen 

What’s your name?

My name is Scott Shaw Coombes.


Where did you go for how long?

He done in the canteen for 8 weeks.


What did you do while there?

He cleaned up and stack the shelves.


Did you enjoy, if so, what was your favourite thing?

He enjoyed and talking to the staffs.


What skills did you learn?

He learned how to arrange things.



Would you return to this employment?

He would return to do it again.


Would you recommend this employment for SEN students?

 Yeah he would recommend this to special needs students.

Work experience Questions at the Art Gallery 


What’s your name?

My name is Leon Henry.


Where /did you go for how long?

He went to the art gallery for 6 weeks.


What did you do while there?

He went around to exploring the picture and taking the picture of the art and creating a poster for specials needs.


Did you enjoy, if so, what was your favourite thing?

He did enjoy and his favourite thing is doing ICT jobs.


What skills did you learn?

He learned abit about the history.


Would you return to this employment?

He would return to the art gallery because they good experience.


Would you recommend this employment for SEN students?

Yes he would because its very involved in.

Work experience Questions at the Afflecks

What is your name?

My name is Luke McGovern.


Where /did you go for how long?

He went to the Affleck palace for 6 weeks.


What did you do while there?

He helps the sale and with the money at the till.


Did you enjoy, if so, what was your favourite thing?

He enjoyed it and his favourite thing was helping the customers.


What skills did you learn?

He learned communication and finance.



Would you return to this employment?

He would want to return to this employment.



Would you recommend this employment for SEN students?

Yes I would recommend this to specials needs students.

Corey's work experience at Hough End leisure centre 

"I went to Hough End leisure centre for my work placement. My role was cleaning up the mess that was made by the visitors. In the gym, I tidy up the gym equipment. I emptied the bin and hoovered the staff room. I replenished the stock in the staff room. I greeted customers at reception and helped elderly customers to their gym classes when lift wasn't working. 

I really enjoyed my work placement and I rate my work placement 10/10. Thank you Loreto College for sending me to Hough End."

Emma's work experience at the Potions Café in Afflecks

"I did basic waitressing, barista and housekeeping. I restocked the fridges, helped to place orders and refilled the coffee machines. My favourite bit of the placement was using the coffee machine. I would like to thank Estry for supporting me at the placement."     

Mia's work experience at the Edge Café 

"I helped Charlie clean the tables and put away the equipment. I also picked flowers for the tables. I chose the music for the loudspeakers but the volume was quiet. I made food for the customers and severed them. I took orders from customers. I enjoyed my work placement and thank Jonny for giving me this placement."     

Tanisha's work experience at the Potions Café in Afflecks

"I did basic waitressing, barista and housekeeping. I restocked the fridges, helped to place orders and refilled the coffee machines. My favourite bit of the placement was serving customers and cleaning up. I would like to thank Estry for supporting me at the placement."  

D'relle's work placement at Kims Kitchen 

Haris' work placement at Potions Café 

Manahil's work placement at Central Library