
Scott Shaw-Coombes

Anime Writer 



Venom and Eddie are arguing about eating people, and Eddie has made the promise to venom that after defeating carnage he can eat whoever he pleases, However . Venom doe's not believe that Eddie will keep this promise and will prevent him from eating people. This causes both of them to start fighting, but instead of being childish and continuing to fight, they begin to talk it out and work out where to go.

Venom and Eddie both witnessed a police officer being impaled by a spike in the grounds of a cathedral, and after seeing the exact same officer a few days later in sound condition it sparks their interest in researching a new symbiote. They discover a symbiote, who goes by the name of Anti-Venom, who is able to heal any wounds and diseases with ease. After researching this new symbiote they discover the traits associated with it often are non-hostile and tame however, it becomes apparent that it is entirely dependant on what traits the host of the symbiote has, not the symbiote itself.

The cop has lost himself because nobody believed that symbiotes existed, which resulted in insanity. Anti-Venom then decided to help the officer because he felt and understood the emotions of his host and decided along with the officers thoughts to destroy things.

Venom says that this will be the most difficult battle because A-V is the most powerful symbiote so far.

What will happen if Batman was the Joker so it start as  normal.  But it changes when Batman's parents dies and he goes insane and start out by killing homeless people. But after a bit of self training he was able to kill local residence and slowly became more powerful people. He has a similar personality to the real Joker but he is more violent and vengeful. His goal is too be the god of his universe.

So Bill Cypher the main villain of the series of gravity falls he is a triangle he is also a god trying to spread his weirdness across the world but there was a barrier at the mystery  Shack where Bill Cypher can't escape but at the end Bill Cypher gets burned inside Stanley's mind. He prays upon the ancient god Axolotl to grant him another chance at life but he still lives in Stanley's head but he can only control him while he is asleep. He has been doing this for years.