

Royal Exchange - "What Is Home?" Performance

written by Wasima Begum

On the 26th of February myself and several students performed in front two schools and parents in the round stage at the Royal Exchange Theatre, Manchester. The theme of the performance was sanctuary. Our interpretation of this theme was to focus on the struggles and prevalence of homelessness in the UK.

We expressed this through multiple drama techniques we had learned in college. These included physical theatre, writing and performing our own sanctuary themed song and incorporating statistics (facts) about homelessness into our performance. On top of this performing in the Royal Exchange was really intimidating!

Our performance followed the story of a troubled young man, David, being pushed into homelessness by family problems with his mum and her new boyfriend. We tried to demonstrate the vulnerability and ease of young people becoming homeless. In the end the family argument is resolved, and David’s mum takes David back in the house and everyone is overjoyed. We finally sing our song, “No Danger”, and all took a bow and received applause.

As you can see, we put so much hard work into this, but it all paid off in the end when we delivered a brilliant performance to our friends and families in the round.

Although our performance has a happy ending this is often not the case for homeless people and leaves us with something to think of. It was a brilliant day which everyone thoroughly enjoyed!

Mary Ward Day


Archive news

  Internship workplace interview

Where did you go on work experience?

Emma – christe hospital / apartment(texball)

Harris – Rspca (charity shop)

Cory – christe Hospital

Ben – football museum



Did you enjoy work experience?

 Emma – yes, she did

Harris – yep, he did

Cory- yes

Ben – yes, he did



Where are you going to after college?

Emma – looking and searching part- time job.

Harris - working in Manchester airport.

Cory - christe hospital

Ben - getting a part- time.


If you did work experience what’s your favourite?

Emma – lily café 

Harris – Rspca (charity shop)

Cory – christe Hospital

Ben – football museum



What exams are the hardest?

Emma – no exams

Harris – no exams

Cory- Entry level 2 all subjects

Ben – ICT


What lesson did you enjoy?

Emma – cooking

Harris – sport

Cory – all subjects

Ben – sport


What lesson did you not enjoy?

Emma – sport

Harris – drama

Cory- nothing

Ben – English / drama / math /cooking. 

Exam Interview

What exam are you doing?

Scott – English and ICT

Shakira - English and maths also ICT

How you feel about the exam?

Scott – feels good.

Shakira - stressful

Have you been revising for your exams?

Scott - none-stop revising.

Shakira – practising memoring

What level are you on exams?

Scott – level 1 for everything.

Shakira – level 1 and entry level 3

Which exam are you dreading the most?

Scott – ICT

Shakira - Maths

Has it been weird not having your normal lessons during exams?

Scott - Difficult but not weird.

Shakira – takes little time


Do you have any tips for next year’s class students? 

Scott – revising like mad for 8 weeks.

Shakira – study and ask for help.


Wasima is the lead reporter of the website. She brings the news from around the college to us every week. 

Current news

Pathways have reached out to a local illustrator to help design a book with quotes and pictures from students.   

Questions about exams

Upper six have has there exams we thought we would ask them what its like to be in that situation they have been doing it for the past month.

Questions. Did you feel nervous?



Corey: I felt nervous at first but I felt okay at the end.



D’relle: I felt nothing but after I felt confident.



Question: How well do you think you performed?


D’relle: I felt that I did well and I was very confident.

Corey: I felt like I did good but I needed a little help.



Question if you could, which exam would you retake?



D’relle: None of them.




Corey: I would check through my answers next time.




Question: For the lower sixth,  what advice would you give them?


Corey: Work hard and play hard. 



D’relle: Try hard to believe in yourself.



Corey: Check through your work when you finished to check for any mistakes.

Platinum Jubilee

Group 1 is making a personalised cup coasters and making a red velvet cupcakes for the queen's jubilee. If you want a cupcake and a coaster it will cost £2 and they will be selling next week Tuesday. We want to find out what did they do for the Jubilee, so we interviewed a few groups.

Question: What did you guys do for the Platinum Jubilee?

Zack: I went to a Bollywood night club and we did a picnic where there was sandwiches, crisps and scones. 

Question: What was your favourite thing about the picnic? 

Zack: The scones were my favourite thing.

Anis: I liked the Jubilee flags (bunting). 

Zack: We saw a poster of Queen Elizabeth and saw 70 years of reign.

The Pathway's student has done bake sale to raise money for Ukraine they have made cupcake, tray bake, rice Crip spies cake and fairy cake for the Ukraine charity. 

The Pathway's student has thought about what has happed to Ukraine and they want to help them by giving them some money  they have raised £70 pounds for charity in the bake sale .  

Interview  (Click to read)

My podcast today is about the challenging that is running in Lockdown. 

Hello and welcome to my podcast. My name is Fatima. My channel for this is 24k news. My podcast about the challenge that is running in lockdown. Today I am doing a presentation to Debbie about her interest to teach students with learning disability. Thank you Fatima for inviting me to your podcast.

What interest you to teach student with learning disability?

When her daughter was small she took her to a play group where there was a small little boy that was about 3 years old. He was autistic and she was fascinating me the way he pilled up the Lego and the from that he has always interested her.

What do you do in your spare time?

In my spare time I like to go for walks. I really like going for walks in lockdown, I also like to do Pilates which is like Yoga

What experience have you learnt?

In Lockdown I want to be thankful for everything that I got for my family  and friends and for my health. I am thankful for having wonderful students in the department.  

What are the something that you have done in the collage? 

Right I make sure that all our student in Pathways department are safe and included in everything that they want to be included in. I make sure that the lessons are interesting for the student. We have outside agency coming in to see the students and working with them. I do a lot of outside of the curriculum to make sure all of the student are kept safe  

What are some good thing in being in a bubble?

Good thing in being in a bubble is that you feel safe and that you know that you are keeping other people safe.

What are some bad things in being in a bubble? 

Some bad thing in be being in a bubble is that you can’t see your family and friends if they live far away. 

If we were going in to lockdown again what would your change about the setting? 

Online learning for the students was fantastic and the staff work hard to give the student-interesting curriculum with different lesson everyday so there is nothing that I would  change . 

If the student with physical learning disabilities that cant understand the teacher that much or that well or that well what would you do?  

So what we have done with some of the student is who have struggle with physical disability and they haven’t be able to come in to college because they are shielding at home. They have a record at home were they can take part at home in the lesson. They have staff phoning them twice a wee to have a chat with them to make sure they are ok.

why has covid 19 be challenging for young people?

It has being challenging for young people because they have been in school and it has been so different for them and they were out of school and they haven't be able to do there EXAM. They haven't been able to meet their friends. They haven't been able to see what college they want to go to. I think some young people found it really difficult.

what are some thing that you have set all ready to prevent from us getting covid 19?

So in the department most of all the staff are vaccinated now. All the students had their vaccination. We keep in a bubble where the students go home and the staff clean all the tables and the door handle. Everywhere they have touched we do it on a regular basis  every day. We also make sure that they are not sharing pens and pencils. I brought pencil cases for all the students so they will have there own pencil case. And also we try to encourage the students to make sure they are social distancing and wearing their mask at all times.

How do you get everything organise for your point of view?

I start planning a year in advance for September, so we have all the new students ready for September. We have already interviewed them and have met their parents and I make sure that all the leavers upper six know were they are going for you. Fatima, your going on a supported internship and I make sure that the lower six students that are moving to upper six are very clear on what they will be doing. We have planned an open day for the new students to come in so that they can see that department and meet the staff because they haven't have chance to meet them because of COVID . I plan the timetable for September so that I do all the timetables for September so that everyone has lesson 

Do you ask the teacher how they plan their lesson ?

We have a scheme of work. We have a teacher meeting every week  and we go through the planning for the lesson and planning for the curriculum. and we ten to  look at the lesson and weather it suit the student and weather they can progress. 

we haven't be able to meet our friend in other class why have you created that ?

So the lower six and the upper six students are all in another building so each year group was put into bubble. lower six was put in there own bubble and there own staircase. upper six was put in there own bubble. Pathways were put in to there own bubbles . The reason we kept Pathways separate from other parts of the college even though everyone is separate because we have students that have medical needs and if they get Covid they would be very poorly.

In our department we are in bubble right know but we cant see our friend in other bubble why is it like that? 

Well the upper six students have left now so they have left for studies leaver and until everyone is vaccinated and until the Covid rate really goes down we won't be mixing with other departments  just to keep everyone safe.

Next year when we see the lower six the new ones that are going to come in September that will be different are we actually going to see them?

You might do . Your going to be busy doing your internship.

Do you go and visit your family and friend now at home?

Yes sometimes

Do you have to keep your distance away from them?


Do you have to wear a mask?


We are in a college with three and a half thousand students so you got to be careful.

Did that explain everything then?  Yes it did 

How has Covid affect you in collage?

It has effected me alright because we are in a safe bubble and we are not getting anything such as not getting any viruses. The teachers and teaching assistances give us more support than usual.

Thank you for,

coming to my podcast 

If you need anything else don't hesitate to contact me on


Fatima Hassan

Roving Reporter

Debbie Hadfield 

Head of Pathways

interview Rav before seeing the website  (click to read)

Hi my name is Rav. I work with Ruby in digital advantage so i work there. Ruby invite me come along and see what you guys have done. 

Did you enjoy it?  yes i did enjoy it 

what were you expect to see on our website?  I have been told that you guys have set up a new agency were you have set up a website were other people can see