Mission and Purpose

“We are building a trusted and joyful community of moms and families 

who inspire and support one another in preparing for and fulfilling their God given missions in life.”

Part 1: Mission

Higher Vision

A tall mountain is a grand creation of beauty and wonder.  Looking out from the peaks of the mountain our vision is broadened and we can see the landscape clearly in a way that is impossible amongst the trees at the base.

Mountain Top Clarity

Similarly, each of us is a unique creation of beauty and wonder. Members of Lookout Academy will have developed a vision and understanding of the world around them.  They will have clarity of mind to see truth, accept it, and live it, even when it is bitter or uncomfortable.  They will know how to lead because they will know how to think, question, analyze, see opportunity, create solutions, and involve God.  With this mountaintop clarity of mind and vision they will see through deception and rise above despair which will uplift all those they come in contact with.

Solid Foundation 

A mountain’s roots are dense and deep, providing the strong and immovable foundation that admirers do not notice by sight but recognize by feel.  Members of Lookout Academy will gain this foundation of truth, wisdom, character, and principles.  This sure foundation will include the ability to maintain and develop healthy minds, healthy bodies and healthy relationships, especially within the family.

Prepared with Purpose

Each member will develop their unique talents and pursue personal interests, seeking a deep and broad liberal arts education, grounded in the classics.  As they make this life-long pursuit of knowledge they will be prepared to go forth and fulfill their unique God-given purposes with confidence in their capacities, thus influencing the world for good. They will have a strong connection with God, using Him as Guide in their journey of growth and mission work. Just as the tide rising in the harbor lifts all boats, each member’s own growth will also lift those in their circle of influence, invariably extending outward, growing the circle and helping all to be more.

Part 2: Purpose

Joy in the Journey

Robert Frost penned, "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." The pathway we choose to walk will determine our outcome. In many ways, this way of learning and educating is "the road less traveled" but, oh, what wonderous and joyful experiences one can have along the journey! 

Seeking to discover one's mission and then striving to match their education to that mission is an exhilarating and fulfilling experience.  This will enrich the student and also fit him or her to be an influence for good in the lives they cross along their way and the work they do in all spheres of life.

Personalized Education

Each and every human being has their own kind of beauty and genius inside them, waiting to be unleashed. As each mentor pursues their own education and intentionally personalizes the education of their students, each student will develop their unique talents and pursue personal interests, seeking a deep and broad liberal arts education, grounded in the classics. This sets them up on the path to discovering and living out the mission which God sent them to Earth to discover and accomplish. 


The purpose of true education is not merely to expand our own minds or to find us a place in the workforce. The real purpose of education is to enable the learner to grow and develop into the person God designed them to be, then to go out and share the light they have received with others. Our focus is to become righteous leaders in our communities, joyful families, and sources of light and truth in a darkened world. 

Look out world! Here we joyfully and purposefully come!

Lookout Academy is a Leadership Education Commonwealth serving families in Clackamas County and East Multnomah County in Oregon.

Contact: lookoutacademytjed@gmail.com