Leadership Education Model

“We are building a trusted and joyful community of moms and families 

who inspire and support one another in preparing for and fulfilling their God given missions in life.”

"A true 


 includes great reading

great discussions

working with excellent mentors

and more reading

But ultimately 

it should teach us 


Oliver DeMille

The Seven Keys to Great Learning

(Plus two New Keys!)

Classics Not Textbooks

Textbooks are disconnected from each other and do not provide cohesive, meaningful material to improve student comprehension or thinking skills. "Classics" on the other hand, are living books that bring in all aspects of humanity and understanding. A classic is a book or a work of art to which you can return again and again, gaining more each time. The use of classics as the focal point of education lays the foundation for coming "face to face with greatness" and allows students and mentors to discuss and grow together.

Community / Mentors

Mentors, not teachers, are key to the success of the Leadership Education Model. The role of a mentor is to help set the example for pursuing a great education as well as to personalize the learning experiences of each student. As families, we come together to create a small community of mentors and students united in strengthening each other

Inspire Learning

Think of your favorite hobby. Does someone need to sit down and tell you how and when to do it or do you just naturally engage in it because you enjoy it? That is the goal with education. We seek to inspire our children (and ourselves!) to love learning, to seek out their own interests and learn about them, as well as topics that are beneficial to their success and to society (such as reading, writing, history, and math). Our goal is not to enforce sit-down-and-learn time, nor to simply allow our children to run wild, rather to inspire a love of all fields of learning and assist the student to grow into his or her own divinely designed life-mission. 

Quality Effort and Work

When you see a quality piece of art, it stays with you. When you read a well-written article, it makes an impact in your life. These do not need to be complex or intricate to be impactful, but the quality of the work and effort put into it makes all the difference. It is our objective to engrain in our youth a standard of excellence that they seek to attain because they see the benefit and not because someone told them the parameters to meet. This comes by including quality materials (art, books, videos, and conversation) in their daily lives and allowing them to find beauty there.

Enrich Time

Time. We all wish we had more of it, right? That is why it is so important to use our time wisely. When we focus on structuring our time rather than on constructing a "curriculum"- or conversely, neglecting to plan- we can use the time we have to learn and grow together in ways that are meaningful and pleasant. By deciding together, in advance, how our family and learning time should be allotted, we find that unimportant things go out the window and our foundational values not only surface, but take precedence in our homes and families.


Complexity and chaos cause both headache and anxiety for everyone, including our children. When our learning is focused, simple, and meaningful, everyone thrives. A mainstay of education is ensuring that we are not overcomplicating or overloading the topics of education. There is a beauty and a peace that comes when we live simple lives and educate in simple ways, with intentional focus on what matters most. 

YOU Lead by Example

You are your child's best example. Whether you are aware of it or not, your children are watching you and deciding what is important to them based on what is important to you, for better or for worse. When you, as the parent and mentor, lead out in displaying a love learning, a willingness to put in your best effort, to live simply, act on inspiration, and exhibit peace and security, your children will innately follow! Educating our children does not mean sitting them down and telling them what to do.  No, we too must be students, walking the way in front of them (or beside them) so they have our visible and trusted footsteps to follow.

Feel Peace and Security

There are so many voices and opinions vying for our attention and allegiance. We as parents and educators often feel tugged, torn, unsettled, and unsure of ourselves and our decisions. Rest assured, following these Seven Keys of Great Learning, over time (they take time to master! Give yourself grace!) leads to a deep and abiding sense of peace and security. By placing what we value most at our bow, standing on the foundation of great leaders before us, and keeping our values and beliefs always in our sights, we find that we can sail through life with a sense of security, even in turbulent times and seas. 

Stand for Something!

In the words of William Berbach, "If you stand for something, you will always find some people for you and some people against you. If you stand for nothing, you will find nobody against you, and nobody for you."

We are not doing this to get a prize or get through enough lessons, rather to become valiant and whole beings with the courage, discernment, and determination to stand up for our values. The goal of education is not merely to check boxes, but to know and understand why we do what we do, to aim for greatness, and to share our own unique genius with the world!

If you would like to learn more about these Keys of Learning, you can do so by visiting:

The Seven Keys to Great Learning 

(Plus two New Keys!)

Lookout Academy is a Leadership Education Commonwealth located in Clackamas County, Oregon

Contact: lookoutacademytjed@gmail.com