Long Hill Winery

To have a good wine from your grape trees, it is a long way to achieve your goal. There is a lot to overcome but once it is accomplished the reward is greater than the effort you put in. It is an endless journey to have the ideal wine. - Long Hill Winery -

We have been working here in Northern California for more than 10 years and we have yet to reach the goal. 

University of California - Davis Viticulture & Enology

Our history

After relocating to California we really like to have fruit trees and a vegetable garden so that we can accomplish the "Farm to Table" concept. We have started a small vegetable garden and planted citrus trees, fig trees and apple trees. We also happened to get grape trees for wine from University of California Davis and started to plan them. After a few years we learn how to make wine which is not easy but fun.

In-depth knowledge needed to make good wine

To make wine you need to have a wide range of knowledge and long term commitment.