
Ukulele Assignment - Week of Jan. 11-15, 2021

I took photos of my fingers playing a few chords, and using your knowledge of what we've been learning in class as well as a chord chart for the 2 new chords, you will tell me which chord I'm playing! Click here for your assignment!

Ukulele Assignment - Week of Jan. 4-8, 2021

Hi team! This assignment is for Red Wing Grade 7, and all Band students (RW, SH, and CLPS) who are playing ukulele. CLICK HERE to see your handy dandy assignment all in one very convenient Google Form! If I created it correctly, the video should actually appear within the Google Form as well, but if not you can watch it here to the left. There are 3 questions to answer BEFORE watching though, so don't click play until you've checked out the form!

Let It Be - Ukulele Recording Project

The announcement of remote learning for 3 weeks has put a wrench into our plans for our "Let It Be" recording project... but the show can still go on remotely! If you want to do a recording this week, you have 2 options:

  1. If you have your own ukulele at home, grab it, tune it up, and follow the directions below!

  2. If you do NOT have a ukulele at home, you can still submit a singing track! Don't worry - all the voices will be blended together so you don't have to worry about feeling like you're going to have a solo (unless you want one - let me know and I'll feature you in our video!) :)

Let It Be - stem track master.MOV

Let It Be - stem track

This is the track you will play along to - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE HEADPHONES IN so that we only hear you playing!

(And wow, that is a nice looking thumbnail image! Oh well, I guess it's good to be able to laugh at yourself, right? Haha.)

Let It Be by The Beatles - Full Lyrics & Ukulele Chords.pdf

Lyrics & Chords

Click the image to the left for the lyrics and chords. This version includes the third verse of lyrics (same chord progressions), as well as an indication that you are to ritardando (slow down) as you near the end - just follow along with my recording and do your best to stay with me rhythmically. This is a great way to participate if you don't have a ukulele at home - the great thing about your voice is that it is a built-in portable instrument!

Recording Instructions:

  1. Find yourself a quiet space to record. Try to avoid any room where there is a loud hum, the sound of traffic passing by (I'm such a city girl.... you probably all live in relatively quiet locations!), etc. Turn off any alarms on your device that may interrupt your recording.

  2. Set up an iPad, phone, camera, etc. on video mode. Please make sure that you have it set up on landscape mode (horizontal) - NOT portrait (vertical). If you have a tripod or somewhere sturdy to prop your device up where it is level and not likely to topple over, use it. Center yourself in the video frame, preferably where we can see your face AND at least part of your ukulele if you're playing. You will use this device for recording, but you will also need a separate device to plug headphones into - this second device will play the video of me strumming/singing Let It Be.

  3. Plug headphones into the device that will play my video. Hit record on your camera, phone, iPad, etc. and then push play on my video (HEADPHONES IN!). Strum and/or sing along to the recording that you hear coming through your headphones! Record it as many times as you need to be happy with your recording.

  4. Upload your submission to THIS GOOGLE DRIVE FOLDER. Thanks for participating!

Chord Chart Refresher

Finger 1 = Index
Finger 2 = Middle
Finger 3 = Ring
Open circle above string = Play open string (no fingers)

Ukulele Song of the Week (June 8-12): Hey Soul Sister by Train

Ukulele Song of the Week (June 1-5): I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

I'm Yours by Jason Mraz

I had some fun with the Acapella app so I recorded 3 parts!


Lyrics and chords

(Standard D D U U D U strumming pattern will work here!)

Ukulele Song of the Week (May 25-29): Counting Stars by One Republic

Counting Stars

by One Republic

Counting Stars.pdf

Lyrics and chords

(With a new cool strumming/picking technique in the video!)

Ukulele Song of the Week (May 19-22): Riptide by Vance Joy


by Vance Joy


Lyrics and chords

(Strumming pattern D D UDU)

Ukulele Song of the Week (May 11-14): Down on the Corner by CCR

Down on the Corner

by Creedence Clearwater Revival

Down on the Corner by Creedence Clearwater Revival - Lyrics & Ukulele Chords.pdf

Lyrics and Chords

(Have fun!)

Ukulele Song of the Week (May 4-8): Speaking Moistly by Justin Trudeau

By now you've probably heard of Justin Trudeau's rather unfortunate but entertaining turn of phrase, "speaking moistly" (while speaking about social distancing). But have you heard the song? It is SOMETHING ELSE. And guess what? This week I'm going to teach you how to play it on the ukulele. I may have even completely notated it for you, chord charts and all! It's the perfect song to learn to impress all of your friends, so check out the videos below and get started!

The Original

Someone had a good sense of humour and too much time on their hands when they made this hilarious autotuned song from our PM's address.


Speaking Moistly.pdf

Ukulele Song of the Week (April 27-May 1): Let It Be by The Beatles

Let It Be by The Beatles - Lyrics & Ukulele Chords.pdf