Selected Publications

This bit of the site is still under construction. At present, you'll find the following below:

  • A pre-print draft of my review of The Philosophy of Song and Singing by Jeanette Bicknell (British Journal of Aesthetics (2017) 57 (1): 109-111 DOI 10.1093/aesthj/ayw007)
  • My recent open text project, 12 Short Cases
Bernhardt_Review of Bicknell_ BJA.pdf

I wrote this material to replace a collection of case studies in applied ethics that has recently gone out of print. It's set up as an open text available at no cost, using a simple Google site to share Creative Commons-licensed files (CC BY-SA 4.0) from Google Drive. The text is available as a complete collection, with the option to download and use individual cases separately. A print version is now available for $10 on Amazon, just in case some reader would like a tidly printed and bound book; the original online material, however, will always remain free.