Written Miscellany

In addition to the writing that I'm required to do for work, I also have a personal blog: The Deaccessioned Philosopher. I use it mostly as a way to keep myself writing and thinking. It's a sort of scattershot affair, to be honest, and doesn't have much of an audience, but I often find that the exercise of thinking about how to write for it is a good way to work out some thoughts that I might eventually use to create more polished academic pieces.

Below, I've assembled some highlighted categories as an aid to reading my assorted online nonsense in a thematically organized way.

At the moment, this category includes three kinds of posts (click the title to get there):

  • Observations about interesting or amusing (to me, anyway) books I ran across while I did the work of weeding the philosophy collection at BVU
  • Pieces written about books found in the Woods' House Collection, a semi-random assortment of misfit texts that I am (informally) in the process of cataloging
  • Some thoughts about print culture and the history of philosophy and religion inspired by some de-accessioned library books in my personal collection

The category name is a pretty good description of the content of the posts it includes. These aren't polished pieces of philosophical work -- they're attempts to puzzle out a thought that might eventually go somewhere. Among the least messy and most useful:

I also messed about with Stoic Week for a couple of years in a row, and ended up writing a bit about it in this category.