Journey - Yash

My Learnings

I was afraid to be away for so long from my family and home, but I took the leap and now these past 5 months have turned out to be the learning of a lifetime. From Understanding people better to treating everyone with unconditional love, from talking to a handful of friends to hosting sessions for 400 people, learning and living a healthy lifestyle with improving my hygiene habits, eating healthy and elevating my mental diet. All of this, none of which I imagined or expected.

Within such a small speck of time I have gained so much insight into my true self, all along i used to think I'm this special person and have everything ideal but I realized I'm just a nobody and the biggest problem here is that I myself didn't know who I am behind that mask. In the last 5 months, by constantly practicing quiet time and understanding in true essence what Quiet Time means and does to you, I have learned so much about myself. The real me.

The urge to be a part and do something larger than life is with everyone but honestly and truly understanding your purpose, being there with it and playing your role in the larger picture is the real effort. My role here as a fellow is something that not everyone can understand, but the lives we touch and change with our soul’s learnings are the real testimony of my inner discovery.

Along with this it was also of paramount importance for me to not compromise my studies, everyday getting up early at 4.00 AM to study has turned out to be a fruitful habit. I have scored 9.4 CGPA in my First Semester and now look ahead to continue this habit progressing in my academics better with each passing day.

For me it is also crucial that I impact my own peers and people around me through the learning I have gained from LMAD. To make progress in the same direction I am contributing towards a new family programme, to make lives better and families stronger, in my opinion this work is the biggest need of the hour. Having experienced a deeper change in my relation with my family, I take this as my duty to build other families around me. With honest conversation and unconditional love as two pillars for this goal, we step into new beginnings.

Coming to the Fellowship, I wanted to feel the Asia Plateau again. I wanted to give back in reality, not just touch and go, but stay and shoulder LMAD to new horizons ahead. Go out and display the unheard and unimagined, change the narrative of myself for myself and everyone around me. Today after these 6 months when I will go back, I no more aim to feel Asia Plateau when I come here, I now take Asia Plateau with me through my lifestyle, through this Purity and after coming to LMAD for the learnings of Quiet Time, I now take LMAD within me, wherever I go, I change and the world changes with me. Because this is God's work, it’ll be God's way but the hands doing it are mine.