LINGUAE is a research group of Institut Jean-Nicod (a CNRS/ENS/EHESS laboratory), which is itself a member of ENS’s Département d’Etudes Cognitives (DEC). LINGUAE is one of the teams of DEC-Linguistics.
The group works on language and its interfaces with cognition, with a special focus on meaning. Research topics include semantics and pragmatics, psycholinguistics, reasoning, sign language linguistics, primate linguistics, and music cognition.
For information: links to theoretical linguistics events in streaming
[September 2024] We have learned with great sorrow that Jean-Pierre Gautier has died. A highly influential primatologist internationally (see here), he had published numerous pioneering studies of primates (including on the reconstruction of phylogenies using call similarity), and a remarkably pedagogical textbook on the evolutionary biology of African guenons. He had also played a key role in our own team's initial efforts to reconstruct the evolutionary history of some primate calls. A workshop in his honor had been organized in 2014 by Lucie Ravaux and Robin Ryder.
[May 2024] Paul Egré's ANR team HYBRINFOX (ANR Astrid AI) came in 1st place on an automated language classification task concerning subjectivity at the CheckThat! 2024 competition.
[May 2024] Nur Lan defended his broad and deep PhD Dissertation; the thesis is entitled "Simplicity-Based Language Modeling Using Artificial Neural Networks".
[March 2024] Semanticist Uli Sauerland (ZAS) is one of eight internationally renowned figures to join the CNRS as “fellow-ambassadors” in 2024.
[March 2024] Semanticists Irene Heim and Hans Kamp have been awarded the 2024 Rolf Schock prize in logic and philosophy (perhaps the closest thing the field has to a Nobel Prize) for their (mutually independent) development of dynamic semantics for natural language.
[February 2024] Carlo Geraci's project (with N. Abner and others) on sign language phylogeny has been published in Science. Read more about the article in English here and in French here.
[January 2024] Jeremy Kuhn defended his Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) with aplomb; the HDR is entitled "Sign language semantics: iconicity and the grammar."
Director of
Directeur de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS; Global Distinguished Professor, New York University
Associate Director of LINGUAE
Directeur de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS; Professeur Associé, DEC, ENS
Director of
Psycholinguistic Research
Directeur de Recherche, LSCP, CNRS; Associate member of Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS
Useful links
ENS safety instructions [intranet] [2024 version, pdf]
Wellness and handicap: ENS links
List of shared documents used by members of LINGUAE
Further information about linguistics events in Paris at parislinguists
Information about CNRS's linguistics section (34) at the section's blog
Past sessions of our (closed) lab meeting (the LINGUAE seminar)
Occupation schedule of the Salle de Réunion du Pavillon
Welcome desk for foreign students at PSL (Paris Sciences et Lettres)