Permanent Members

Emmanuel Chemla  (external member)

Director of Psycholinguistic Research 

(and Head of the LSCP Language group)

Directeur de Recherche, LSCP, CNRS

Psycholinguistics, semantics, pragmatics, logic, music cognition, sign language, primate vocalizations

Paul Egré

Directeur de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS, Professeur attaché, Philosophy Department, ENS

Philosophy of language, logic, semantics, pragmatics

Carlo Geraci

Director of Sign Language Research

Directeur de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS, Coordination of office assignment

Sign language (LIS and LSF), syntax, psycholinguistics

Maria Giavazzi (external member)

Maître de Conférences, Ecole Normale Supérieure

Phonology, psycholinguistics

Vincent Homer (on leave)

Chargé de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS (en détachement)

Associate Professor, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Syntax, semantics, typology, sign language linguistics

Jeremy Kuhn

Chargé de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS

Liaison with IJN administration meetings

Semantics, sign language, phonology, primate vocalizations

Philippe Schlenker

Director of LINGUAE

Directeur de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS, Global Distinguished Professor, New York University

Advanced Grant Project Leader, ERC

Semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of language, philosophical logic, sign language (ASL and LSF), music semantics, primate communication

Benjamin Spector

Associate Director of LINGUAE
Directeur de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS

(Professeur Attaché, DEC, ENS; 2015-2021)

Semantics, pragmatics, philosophy of language, psycholinguistics, logic

Brent Strickland  

Chargé de Recherche, Institut Jean-Nicod, CNRS

Core cognition, experimental semantics and pragmatics