LINGUAE: Shared Documents

Languages In Nature: Grammars and Universals, Analyses and Experiments

Linguae In Natura: Grammaires et Universaux, Analyses et Expériences

We enclose below an ordered list of shared documents that are currently in use by some members of LINGUAE. Note that not all members have access to all documents.

Job market (including CNRS)

CNRS 2016: elections to the Comité National

CNRS interviews

Possibly relevant as well:,

Job market resources

Organization: DEC-Linguistics

DEC-Linguistique: Espace de discussion

Occupancy of DEC-Linguistics Offices

Organization: LINGUAE

Future of LINGUAE - minutes of meetings

Description of important procedures (L. Ravaux)

LINGUAE: team-internal discussions

Instructions for members of the FRONTSEM and Orisem projects

Tasks of non-permanent members

Tips for foreign visitors

Seminars and Lectures

Google calendar: use of the IJN/LSCP seminar room

LINGUAE Seminar: policy

LINGUAE Seminar: list of past meetings

LINGUAE Seminar: suggestions

LINGUAE Seminar: mailing List

LINGUAE Seminar: pizzas

LINGUAE Lectures

LINGUAE Lectures: Useful Documents


FRONTSEM: Strategy

Dropbox subscriptions

Teaching and Internships

Possible M2 linguistics internships [possibly outdated / highly incomplete]

LC2 2017-2018 (Schlenker-Chemla-Kuhn)

Primate Linguistics

Primate resources

Animal linguistics projects [research]

Primate projects [class]


Bird calls and songs

Sign language linguistics



Examples of gestures

Mini-project for science students: gesture linguistics

Instructions of mini-projects for ENS incoming students

Music Cognition

Music experiments




Practical information for LINGUAE visitors