Group leader

Prof. Jacob Linder

Jacob Linder holds a position as Professor of Physics since 2013 at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. He received his Ph.D in physics in 2009 and researches the quantum physics that emerges when combining materials with fundamentally different properties

Since 2017, he is a principal investigator at the center of excellence QuSpin at NTNU, funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Postdoctoral researchers & Ph.D students

Dr. Pavlo Sukhachov

Erik Hodt

Johanne Tjernshaugen

Karl Hallberg

Master students

Kristjan Gajšek

Eric Karlsen

Ola Tangen Kulseng

Andreas Stapnes

Co-supervised students

Dr. Eirik Erlandsen, Ph.D 2022 (data analyst at DNB Markets, Oslo)

Dr. Haakon Thømt Simensen, Ph.D 2021 (consultant at McKinsey, Oslo)

Dr. Øyvind Johansen, Ph.D 2019 (service consultant at Matrix Technologies, Germany)

Dr. Camilla Espedal, Ph.D 2017 (researcher at SINTEF, Trondheim)

Dr. Henrik Enoksen, Ph.D 2013 (researcher at SINTEF, Trondheim)

Alumni of the Linder group


Dr. Jabir Ali Ouassou, postdoc 2021-2023 (associate professor at HVL, Haugesund)

Dr. Sol Jacobsen, postdoc 2014-2017 (researcher at QuSpin, Trondheim)

Ph.D students

Dr. Eirik Holm Fyhn, Ph.D 2023 (researcher at SINTEF, Trondheim)

Dr. Lina Johnsen Kamra, Ph.D 2023 (researcher at University of Madrid, Spain)

Dr. Atousa Ghanbari, Ph.D 2022 (researcher at NTNU, Trondheim)

Dr. Morten Amundsen, Ph.D 2020 (postdoctoral fellow at NORDITA, Stockholm)

Dr. Vetle Kjær Risinggård, Ph.D 2019 (researcher, Kristiansand)

Dr. Jabir Ali Ouassou, Ph.D 2019 (researcher at SINTEF, Trondheim)

Dr. Iryna Kulagina, Ph.D 2016 (advisor, Steinkjer)

Dr. Daniele Toniolo, Ph.D 2015 (postdoc with H. Schulz-Baldes, Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Dr. Mohammad Alidoust, Ph.D 2013 (postdoc with D. Loss, Basel)

Master students

Martin Tang Bruland, M.Sc 2024 (consultant, Oslo)

Sofie Ursin, M.Sc 2024 (Ph.D student with K. Hals, Agder)

Johanne Tjernshaugen, M.Sc 2023 (Ph.D student with J. Linder, Trondheim)

Sigrid Aunsmo, M.Sc 2023 (researcher at SINTEF, Trondheim)

Håvard Falch, M.Sc 2023 (researcher at SINTEF, Trondheim)

Finja Tietjen, M.Sc 2023 (Ph.D student with M. Geilhufe, Gothenburg)

Erik Hodt, M.Sc 2022 (Ph.D student with J. Linder, Trondheim)

Hans Gløckner Giil, M.Sc 2022 (Ph.D student with A. Brataas, Trondheim)

Torstein Hegstad, M.Sc 2022 (Ph.D student at Radboud University, Netherlands)

Martine Dyring Hansen, M.Sc 2021 (digitalisation professional, Aker BP Oslo)

Vemund Falch, M.Sc 2021 (Ph.D student with A. Brataas, Trondheim)

Øyvind Taraldsen, M.Sc 2021 (self-employed business, Ålesund)

Andreas H. Mjøs, M.Sc 2020 (Ph.D student with A.-C. Larsen, Oslo)

Eirik Holm Fyhn, M.Sc 2019 (Ph.D student with J. Linder, Trondheim)

Lina Johnsen, M.Sc 2019 (Ph.D student with J. Linder, Trondheim)

Kristian Svalland, M.Sc 2019 (development analyst at Accenture, Oslo)

Johannes Eskilt, M.Sc 2019 (master studies at Imperial College. London)

Espen K. W. Wold, M.Sc 2018 (software developer, Oslo)

Oda Bolme, M.Sc 2018 (assistant manager, Trondheim)

Anna Brøyn, M.Sc 2017 (software developer, Oslo)

Haakon T. Simensen, M.Sc 2017 (Ph.D student with A. Brataas, Trondheim)

Morten Amundsen, M.Sc 2020 (Ph.D student with J. Linder, Trondheim)

Tom Vethaak, M.Sc 2016 (Ph.D student with F. Lefloch, Grenoble)

Marianne Bathen, M.Sc 2016 (Ph.D student with B. G. Svensson, Oslo)

Henning Hugdal, M.Sc 2016 (Ph.D student with A. Sudbø, Trondheim)

Øyvind Johansen, M.Sc 2016 (Ph.D student with A. Brataas, Trondheim)

Hans Henrik Urdahl, M.Sc 2016 (M.Sc student with E. Folven, Trondheim)

Ingvild Gomperud, M.Sc 2016 (high school teacher, Oslo)

Vetle Kjær Risinggård, M.Sc 2015 (Ph.D student with J. Linder, Trondheim)

Vigdis Toresen, M.Sc 2015 (Ph.D student with M. Wimmer, Delft)

Jabir Ali Ouassou, M.Sc 2015 (Ph.D student with J. Linder, Trondheim)

Oladunjoye Awoga, M.Sc 2014 (Ph.D student with A. Black-Schaffer, Uppsala)

Kristoffer Stige, M.Sc 2012 (high school teacher, Bergen)