Coverage in media
Invited talks
Spin-polarized superconductivity in altermagnets
IEEE Magnetic Frontiers Conference 2025 "Altermagnetism", Liblice Castle, Prague, Czech Republic
p-wave magnets: minimal models and transport properties*
Global Conference on Condensed Matter Physics (GCCMP2025), Prague, Czech Republic
Orbital currents in lattice multiorbital systems* Â
Lorentz workshop "Superconductivity in symmetry-broken and low-dimensional systems", Leiden University, Netherlands
Superconducting transport in altermagnets
MagTop, Warsaw, Poland
Superconducting spin-splitter effects and spin-filtering via altermagnets*
SuperFluctuations2024, Salerno, Italy
Converting a triplet Cooper pair current into a measurable spin signal*
Global Summit and Expo on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2024, Bern, SwitzerlandÂ
Spin-pumping with altermagnets*
Euro Global Congress on Physics and its Applications, Rome, ItalyÂ
Giant inverse spin Hall effect in spin-split superconductors*
IESMMM2024, Copenhagen, Denmark
Electrically controlled RKKY interaction via charge supercurrents*
The International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism 2024, Fethiye, Turkey
Combining superconductors and magnetic materials
Virtual seminar, Trinity College Dublin
Interplay between superconductors and altermagnets
KUJI QMAT Seminar Series, Japan/Korea/Italy (online)
Utilizing spin and orbital angular momentum with superconductors
Nicolás Cabrera Colloquium Series, Frontiers in Materials Science, Madrid, SpainÂ
Vortices in spin-split superconductors and paramagnetic Meissner currents*
International workshop on Superconductivity and Magnetism in 2D Films and Heterostructures, Bath, UK
Spin-polarized superconductivity in antiferromagnets and altermagnets
13th International Conference on Intrinsic Josephson effect, University of Glasgow, Scotland
Diode effect in spin-valve Andreev molecules*
Samarkand International Symposium on Magnetism, Uzbekistan
Spin-pumping with unconventional superconductors*
MonteSuper2023: Superconducting quantum materials and nanodevices, Budva, Montenegro
Superconducting spintronics with antiferromagnets*
The Joint European Magnetic Symposia Conference (JEMS2023), Antiferromagnetic Spintronics, Madrid, Spain
Josephson effect in altermagnets*
SPICE-Workshop. Altermagnetism: emerging opportunities in a new magnetic phase, Ingelheim, Germany
Transient dynamics in the Rashba-Hubbard model*
GCPA2024: Global congress on physics and its applications, Rome, Italy
Superconducting spintronics: a review
SuperSpin2022, Tokyo, Japan (Online)
Long-ranged spin-polarized superconductivity in antiferromagnets
Department Colloquium, Universität Konstanz
Complete magnetic control over the superconducting thermoelectric effect
CRIM2022 - Superconducting spintronics in low dimensions, London, UK (Online)
Renormalization of the inverse spin Hall effect in superconductors*
Global conference on Condensed Matter Physics, Las Vegas, USA
Controllable enhancement of the critical temperature of a p-wave superconductor via magnetic coupling to a conventional superconductor*
Spintronics XV, San Diego, USA
Breaking the Clogston-Chandrasekhar limit via flat bands and giant anisotropy in antiferromagnetic Josephson junctions
769 Wilhelm und Else Heraeus Seminar, Novel Quantum Phases in Superconducting Heterostructures, Bad Honnef, Germany
Quantum quench in noncentrosymmetric superconductors*
CONMAT 2022, Dubai, UAE
Superconductors turn up to the heat
Realfagsdagene, NTNU
Going beyond the Clogston-Chandrasekhar limit in spin-split superconductors*
International Conference on Advances in Functional Materials, Los Angeles, USA
Spin-orbit pumping*
Global Summit on Semiconductors, Optoelectronics, and Nanostructures, Dubai, UAE
Magnon spin-current induced by a triplet Cooper pair supercurrent
Nordic virtual condensed matter seminar, Stockholm, Sweden
Magnon spin-current induced by triplet Cooper pair supercurrent
Low dimensional superconducting hybrids for novel quantum functionalities, Paris, France
Spin-orbit pumping*
Materials Science World Forum, Brussels, Scotland
Superspin Hall effect via Rashba interfaces in diffusive heterostructures*
Global Conference on Physics, Brussels, Belgium
The effect of midgap states on the magnetic exchange interaction mediated by a d-wave superconductor*
Global Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, London, UK
Spin-pumping with superconductors*
Advances in Functional Materials, University of California, USA
Spin-orbit interactions in superconducting hybrids: triplet control with zero ferromagnets
Cambridge University
0-pi oscillations in superconducting graphene*
SPIE (Spintronics), San Diego
Spin-pumping in superconducting spin-valves*
International Congress and Expo on Condensed Matter Physics - 2020
Quantum quench in magnetic superconductors*
Asia Pacific-Nordita Meeting on Quantum Matter, NORDITA
RKKY interaction mediated by a superconductor: role of vortices and impurities*
Magnetism and Magnetic Materials - 2020
Tuning the superconducting critical temperature by rotation of an inversion symmetry breaking axis*
Collaborative conference on Materials Research (CCMR)
Quasiclassical theory for spin-orbit coupled boundary conditions*
Collaborative Conference on Materials Science and Technology
Paramagnetic Meissner effect in non-equilibrium superconducting hybrids*
EMN Meeting on Computation and Theory
Current control of magnetism in 2D van der Waals ferromagnets*
2nd Global Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials
Magnetisation reorientation via superconducting phase transition*
SuperTop2019: emergent phenomena at low dimensions
Graphene-based extremely wide-angle tunable metamaterial absorber*
META 19: Chirality, magnetism, and magnetoelectricity
Voltage-induced thin-film superconductivity in high magnetic fields *
Non-equilibrium superconductivity and spintronics - Theo Murphy international scientific meeting
Magnetisation reorientation via superconducting phase transition *
IC4N 2019 - Fundamentals of Nanomaterials
Direct and inverse superspin Hall effect and its relation to anomalous phase-shift in JJs*
2019 Energy, Materials, and Nanotechnology Amsterdam Meeting
Vortex spin-valve on a topological insulator*
Materials Research (CCMR) 2019
High-field superconductivity out of equilibrium*
Tunneling Through Nanoscience - TTN2018
The intrinsic magnetization of antiferromagnetic textures*
Collaborative Conference on Materials Science and Technology
Giant vortices and antivortices induced in non-superconducting materials*
CMCEE Conference: Superconductivity symposium
General solution of 2D and 3D superconducting quasiclassical systems: coalescing vortices and nanoisland geometries
Nano-Micro Conference 2018
Spin accumulation in superconducting hybrid systems*
Workshop "Coherent superconducting hybrids and related materials"
Controlling the spatial distribution of spin-polarized supercurrents in magnetic materials*
International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism
Intrinsic superspin Hall current*
4th International Conference on Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Universal absence of Walker breakdown: Spin-orbit torques in coupled and single domain wall motion*
MISM 2017 - Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism
Supercurrent Vortex Pinball via a Triplet Cooper Pair Inverse Edelstein Effect*
VORTEX X Conference
Microwave control of the superconducting proximity gap*
Nano S&T-2017 - Conference
The vortex physics of superconducting hybrids: interplay between topology and geometry*
Crystallography 2017 - Conference
Dynamical tuning between nearly perfect reflection, absorption, and transmission of light via graphene*
ICSS @ San Sebastian 2017 - Conference
Domain wall motion and magnetization dynamics in multiferroics driven by spin-waves*
Materials Research (CCMR'17) - Conference
Spin transport enhanced by magnetic insulators and superconductors*
''Collective Spin Transport in Electrical Insulators'' - Workshop
Extremely wide-angle THz absorption using graphene/metamaterial hybrid structures*
''2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Mesoscopic and Condensed Matter Physics'' - Conference
Spin caloritronics with superconductors
Spin Caloritronics VII (2016)
The vortex physics of superconducting hybrids: interplay between topology and geometry*
''Superconducting Hybrid Nanostructures: Physics and Applications'' - Conference
Spintronics with Superconductivity*
''2016 Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM)'' - Conference
Controllable superconducting proximity effect via light*
''Spin, Coherence, and Topology 2016'' - Symposium at RHUL
Spin-orbit interactions in diffusive superconducting proximity-structures: anomalous Meissner effect and electrically tunable Tc
''FFLO-Phase in Quantum Liquids, Quantum Gases, and Nuclear Matter'' - Workshop
Tailoring vortex-matter via the superconducting proximity effect*
''Nano confined superconductors and their application'' - Conference
Spin supercurrents via spin-orbit coupling*
SPIE: Spintronics IX
Superconducting Spintronics*
International Nanotech Conference 2016 USA
Tailoring vortex-matter via the superconducting proximity effect*
''Multi-Component and Strongly-Correlated Superconductors'' - Nordita
Spin supercurrents via spin-orbit coupling*
Top-Spin 2 conference
Controlling superconducting spin flow with spin-flip immunity with a single homogeneous ferromagnet*
ICSM2016 - International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism
Tunnel spectroscopy and critical temperature: SF hybrids with Rashba/Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
VORTEX IX Conference
Superconducting Spintronics
Nijmegen University, invited by Prof. Alexander Ako Khajetoorians
Tunnel Spectroscopy and Critical Temperature in SF Hybrids with Rashba-Dresselhaus Spin-Orbit Coupling*
''Advances in Studies of Superconducting Hybrids: Theory and Modeling vs Experiment'' - Workshop S-Hybrids.
Spin- and Valleytronics
Symposium hosted by Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, NTNU (host E. Folven)
Spin-Torques and Domain Wall Motion in S/F Structures
Cambridge University
Quasiclassical theory of superconductivity: a practical approach to the Uasdel equation and S/F physics
Cambridge University
Superconducting Spintronics with Magnetic Domain Walls*
MISM 2014 - Moscow International Symposium on Magnetism
Spin-Transfer and Exchange Torques in Ferromagnetic Superconductors
Session chair. ICSM2014 - International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism
Superconducting Spintronics with Magnetic Domain Walls
InSpin Conference
Singlet-triplet quantum magnetometer
VORTEX VIII Conference
Non-Fraunhofer interference pattern in inhomogeneous ferromagnetic Josephson junctions
ICSM2012 - International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism
Topological insulators - a novel quantum state of matter
The Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences and Letters
Spin-active interfaces, inhomogeneous magnetization texture, and odd-frequency pairing in S/F hybrid structures
Concerence on Superconductivity and Magnetism: SM-2010
Interplay between superconductivity and ferromagnetism
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Pairing symmetry conversion by spin-active interfaces in superconducting junctions
New Directions of Superconducting Nanostructures, Nagoya
Hybrid structures of ferromagnets and superconductors: Spin-active interfaces, inhomogeneous
magnetization textures, and odd-frequency pairing
Salerno University
Josephson effect in unusual superconducting systems
Nagoya University
The role of interface transparency and spin-dependent scattering in diffusive
ferromagnet/superconductor heterostructures
European Science Foundation workshop, Paestum
*Could not attend.