Quantum condensed matter

Discovering new quantum phenomena in           materials and condensates

About us

Driven by scientific curiosity and technological developments, we investigate physics at the nanoscale in materials. Condensed matter displays a wealth of interesting and exotic behavior which ultimately is possible to understand through quantum physical theory. We are part of the Center of Excellence QuSpin at NTNU (2017-2027). 

We use analytical and numerical models to describe the complex interactions that takes place in materials. Our focus is on quantum transport and we have a strong link to experimental activity, collaborating regularly with international groups. 


June 2024

Award for best Master student

Martin Tang Bruland wins the award for best Master thesis in Technology in competition with excellent students from the whole faculty. Martin has written his master thesis in our group on the conversion between quantum currents in altermagnets and superconductors. A big congrats and well done, Martin!

June 2024

Publication in PRL

The work of Lina Johnsen Kamra in collaboration with us on the strongly renormalized spin Hall effect in spin-split superconductors, "Inverse spin-Hall effect and spin swapping in spin-split superconductors", is now published in Physical Review Letters.


May 2024

Reviews of Modern Physics

In collaboration with Morten Amundsen (QuSpin, NTNU), Jason Robinson (Cambridge), Igor Zutic (Buffalo), and Niladri Banerjee (Imperial College London), we have published a Colloquium in Reviews of Modern Physics with the title "Spin-orbit effects in superconducting hybrid structures". 

February 2024

New postdoc

Dr. Pavlo Sukhachov joins the team as postdoc. With his impressive background and expertise in a broad range of fields in theoretical condensed matter physics, Pavlo will be an asset to both the group and QuSpin as a center.

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