TY4245/FY8917 Solid State Physics, Advanced Course, Spring 2025

Timetable & practical info




The exercises are not mandatory, but highly recommended to do. Solutions will be posted one week after the exercise.

Reference group



The exam will be a written one and takes place TBA. You will be allowed to bring the mathematical formula collection by K. Rottman. No hand-written notes are allowed.

TFY4245: your grade is determined 100% from the written exam. You will receive a grade A-F.

FY8917: your grade is determined 100% from the written exam. You will receive a grade A-F.

Question hour



Description and notes

The curriculum covers the following topics:

The large majority of the curriculum will be covered in the lectures, some material might be left for self-study.

Any additional useful details for certain parts of the curriculum will be posted below.

Some recommended books to complement the lecture notes and which can have more details about certain topics:

Lecture plan

Rough plan for the semester - deviations may occur. 

Week 2 - TBA

Week 3 - TBA

Exercises and useful links


The exercises are not mandatory, but highly recommended.

January TBA - Exercise #1

Problem text #1 | Solution #1 

January TBA - Exercise #2

Problem text #2 | Solution #2 

Exams from previous years

Old exams from the period 2008-2018.