TFY4205 Quantum Mechanics II autumn 2023

Timetable & practical info


Mondays 1215-1400 in R3

Tuesdays 1115-1300 in R3

The lectures are video-recorded and available in Blackboard under "Course work". The final lecture was given on November 21st.

Exercise guidance

Tuesdays 1015-1100 in R3

The first exercise guidance hour will take place on Tuesday August 29th. The final exercise guidance hour was given on November 21st.

The teaching assistant is Wanjing Smedsrud (wanjing dot h dot smedsrud at ntnu dot no). Please feel free to mail her if you have questions about the exercises.

Reference group

Eskil Vik (eskilvi at stud dot ntnu dot no) and Kari Margrethe Gjøsteen (kari dot gjosteen at me dot com). A summary of the first meeting is found here. A summary of the second meeting is found here.


The exam will be a regular written one with a duration of 4 hours on December 14th.

The only allowed aid during the exam is the collection of mathematical formula by Karl Rottmann and a simple calculator.

Question hour

Monday December 11th in R3 at 13:15-14:00.

Please send your questions in advance to jacob dot linder at ntnu dot no.

Curriculum and exercises


The curriculum is defined by the lectures which in turn will follow closely "Intermediate Quantum Mechanics". A summary of most of the content in the course is found here.

To get access to this book, sign up for a free account on, search for the title on, and then press download. 

Additional notes relevant for curriculum:

You can also find some of the above material covered in the Norwegian textbook "Kvantemekanikk" by P. C. Hemmer. 


Two of the exercises (named "Feedback exercise" below) can be handed in (this is voluntary) via Blackboard to the teaching assistant to get feedback on your solution. You can hand them in under the folder "Feedback exercise" in Blackboard.

If you have any questions, please contact the teaching assistant.

August 29th - Exercise #1 

Problem text | Solution pdf 

September 5th - Exercise #

Problem text | Solution pdf

September 12th - Exercise #3

Problem text | Solution pdf

September 19th - Exercise #4 

Problem text | Solution pdf

September 26th - Exercise #5

Problem text | Solution pdf

Feedback exercise #1 (deadline September 29th)

Problem text | Solution pdf

October 3rd - Exercise #6 

Problem text | Solution pdf

October 10th - Exercise #7

Problem text | Solution pdf

October 17th - Exercise #8

Problem text | Solution pdf

Feedback exercise #2 (deadline October 27th)

Problem text | Solution pdf

October 24th - Teaching assistant is available

October 31st - Exercise #9

Problem text | Solution pdf

November 7th - Exercise #10

Problem text | Solution pdf

November 14th - Exercise #11

Problem text | Solution pdf

November 21st - Exercise #12

Problem text | Solution pdf

Lecture plan

Rough plan for the semester - deviations may occur.

Week 34 - Introduction
Review of basic principles in QM, general formulation of QM, Hilbert space, bra-ket notation, different representations, harmonic oscillator.

Week 35 - Harmonic oscillator + Approximative methods part I
Coherent states, non-degenerate and degenerate time-independent perturbation theory, Stark-effect

Week 36 - Approximative methods part II
Variational method, ground-state spin configuration, WKB-approximation.

Week 37 - Approximative methods part III + Time-dependent pert. theory
Time-dependent perturbation theory, transient perturbations

Week 38 - Adiabatic approximation, Berry-phase, sudden approximation
Adiabatic approximation, Berry-phase, sudden approximation

Week 39 - Scattering theory part I
Scattering as a stationary problem, Born-approximation

Week 40 - Scattering theory part II
Continued Born-approximation, partial-wave expansion

Week 41 - Scattering theory part III
Optical theorem, lab and CM frames, scattering of identical particles

Week 42 - Magnetic field part I
Zeeman effect, Landau levels

Week 43 - Magnetic field part II and Quantized radiation theory part I
Aharonov-Bohm effect, flux quantization, quantization of EM field

Week 44 - Quantized radiation theory part II
Coherent states, spontaneous and stimulated emission

Week 45 - Quantum statistics + Entanglement part I
Mixed states, density operator and matrix, entanglement

Week 46 - Entanglement part II
Continued entanglement, Bell inequality

Week 47 - Periodic potentials and electron bands
Bloch states, Kronig-Penney model, bands and gaps