FY3464 / FY8914 Quantum Field Theory 2024

Breaking news

Timetable & practical info


Mondays 14:15-16:00 in C4-118.

Tuesdays 12:15-14:00 in C4-118.

Key topics covered in week 17 lectures



Exercise guidance

The last 10 minutes of the Tuesday lectures will be set aside for questions regarding exercises.

Reference group

Karine Halleraker (karineeh@stud.ntnu.no) and Sebastian Siljuholtet Johansen (sebastsj@ntnu.no). A summary of the first reference group meeting. A summary of the second reference group meeting.


The exam will be a written one and takes place tba. You will be allowed to bring the mathematical formula collection by K. Rottman. No hand-written notes are allowed.

FY3464: your grade is determined 100% from the written exam. You will receive a grade A-F.

FY8914: your grade is determined 100% from the written exam. You will receive a grade A-F.

Question hour



Description and notes

The curriculum is defined by the lectures and belonging extra notes for each chapter (see below) which in turn will follow the structure of the following lecture notes, but with much more details. Most of the curriculum will be covered in the lectures, but some material will be self-study.

Additional useful details of certain passages are found below.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Some recommended books to complement the lecture notes and which can have more details about certain topics:

Lecture plan

Rough plan for the semester - deviations may occur. Chapters refer to lecture notes in above link.

Week 2 - Introduction and free scalar fields part I (chapter 1)
Conventions, Green functions

Week 3 - Free scalar fields part II (chapter 1)
Scalar field theory in 3+1 dimensions, causality in correlators

Week 4 - Free scalar fields part III and Noether's theorem (chapter 1)
Causality in correlators continued, symmetries and Noether's theorem

Week 5 - Path integrals (chapter 2)
Non-relativistic path integrals, n-point correlators, Wick's theorem

Week 6 - Scalar perturbation theory part I (chapter 2+3)
Scalar field path integrals, Feynman diagrams

Week 7 - Scalar perturbation theory part II (chapter 3)
More Feynman diagrams, 2-point correlators, interacting theory in 3+1D

Week 8 - Scalar perturbation theory part III (chapter 3)
Regularization, renormalization, dimensional regularization

Week 9 - Scalar perturbation theory part IV (chapter 3)
The sunset diagram, 4-point correlators

Week 10 - Scalar perturbation theory part V + Free Dirac fields part I (chapter 3+4)
Effective coupling, Dirac equation

Week 11 - Free Dirac fields part II (chapter 4)
Lorentz algebra, solutions to Dirac equation

Week 12 - Free Dirac fields part III (chapter 4)
Quantization of Dirac field, propagator, Lagrangian

Week 13
No teaching (Easter holiday)

Week 14
No teaching (Easter holiday) Self-study this week: Symmetries of Dirac L

Week 15 - Free Dirac fields part V (chapter 4)
Grassmann variables, fermionic path integrals

Week 16 - Scattering part I (chapter 5)
Cont. fermionic path integrals, S-matrix

Week 17 - Scattering part II (chapter 5)
LSZ-reduction formula

Exercises and useful links


The exercises are not mandatory, but highly recommended.

January 16th - Exercise #1

Problem text #1 | Solution #1 

January 23th - Exercise #2

Problem text #2 | Solution #2 

January 30th - Exercise #3

Problem text #3 | Solution #3

February 6th - Exercise #4

Problem text #4 | Solution #4 

February 13th - Exercise #5

Problem text #5 | Solution #5 

February 20th - Exercise #6

Problem text #6 | Solution #6 

March 5th - Exercise #7

Problem text #7 | Solution #7 

March 12th - Exercise #8

Problem text #8 | Solution #8 

March 19th - Exercise #9

Problem text #9 | Solution #9 

April 9th - Exercise #10

Problem text #10 | Solution #10

April 16th - Exercise #11

Problem text #11 | Solution #11

April 23th - Exercise #12

Problem text #12 | Solution #12

Lecture notes on QFT

QFT notes for course at Cambridge

Exams from previous years

Example of a recent exam (2021) and its solution

Old exams from the period 2013-2018

Even older exams from the period 2005-2012