
Values are the things that we deem important and which constitute the foundations for our decisions, behaviours & lifestyles, motivations, and aspirations.  As a community of Christian disciples in Leamington, we aspire to be the following in our everyday lives...


God created us to worship Him alone, but because of sin our natural inclination is to put other things first.  We are again called to worship God in response to His love, in particular the salvation we have in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 1:12).


Hospitality is a continuing theme in the Bible (Romans 12:13).  We seek to be a welcoming church, open to forming new and lasting friendships, and showing our love for one another in practical ways.


The Gospel is as relevant today as ever (Hebrews 13:8).  God wants each of us to have a relationship with Him. He has revealed through His Word a way to live, and when we make a commitment to Jesus Christ, He gives us His Spirit to enable us to work out that commitment (John 10:10).


If we confess a faith in Jesus Christ, it follows that faithfulness should be a feature of our relationships (Galatians 5:22-23): to God; our natural family; and, the Church family.  It is shown in the nature of our commitment, behaviours and attitudes.


As a church, and as individuals, it is important to us that we are ‘real’ about the problems we face, as well as our joys, disappointments, hopes, and plans.  We all need to support and encourage each other, and be open to receive help when offered (2 Timothy 3:16).